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The screen once again black, Elements freaky glance faded from tv. I look at Barry shell shocked, scared by what she meant yet afraid of what she is going to do next, she's wreckless and dangerous and this whole march down at the plaza that isn't going to end well. My bet is on a explosion or a fire, something crazy that will drive attention once again to her and her views and cries against me and the other hero's and what we stand for. "Everyone get downtown to the plaza right now" Alex says organising a strike team to take element down, but something seems wrong, why announce herself and where she is on the air when she knows that we are watching? Because I don't think she's going to be there, I don't think she's going to show, it's just going to be people marching yelling to stop us heros, make us illegal and unable to save people. "Well I don't know if it's real?" I say confused and trying to add up each idea that runs through my head as I make a guess to what is going on. "What do you mean?" Barry asks confused as Alex starts grabbing her things, after all a march inspired by anti alien activity technically falls under the deo département régulation she has to go. "Why announce it? Why say it out loud when she knows we are watching? Why would she fo that unless she didn't plan on showing up and was setting a trap? But let's go along and see what's going on" I say as I take off my shirt to show off my supergirl suit logo before I fly out the building and down to the plaza. I fly around as I notice all the protesters but I don't see element, "negative she's not here" I say as I watch as Alex and the deo team pulls up and joins in the march trying to stop anything from getting out of hand. Everyone is cheering, 'aliens be gone, get out of here, stay away from our city.' And I fly there looking down listening to what these people say, I know that a lot of this is caused by element but there is truth in it, I have caused damage I know that and I know that people don't always appreciate it when I make a mess saving them and I understand that, because yes it's messy but I save them and they need to understand I try my hardest not to mess up yet I do because I can't just predict what these criminals or aliens are going to do. And people just have to understand it. But they listen to people like element who believed the partial lies of people like herself and this causes hate and evil, this causes people like element to be born, bread of pure Hatred and evil buts that's because she believed lies and they twisted her. And as I think of this I get distracted and then I see something, a light coming right at me and as It knocks me out of the sky I look down to see Element holding a sword that is light on fire. "Ready to fight Kara?"

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