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"So you're telling me that we were both shot by a alien bounty hunter who was hired by element, why does this not come as a surprise?" Barry says as we stand around the main table in the cortex trying to figure out what to do next. "I think he set the fire to bring us there, so that he could take us out, but he didn't account for killer frost and since he set that fire... I don't think elements gonna be happy, the fires, the torture, the big political messages, that's her job I don't think he's gonna be back around anytime soon" I say trying to connect the dots even if it is in a strange way. "Yeah I'm gonna agree with that and if this is anything like her previous acts then soon we should get a video in retaliation" Alex says and I nod my head, but then it's almost as if Alex called it as a video from element appears on the screen. "My my national city hope you enjoyed the little fire." She says as she in her hand creates a fire ball before sizzling out to continue her speech. "And now I don't know if people saw but I shot Supergirl and the flash... well I didn't not myself but a alien bounty hunter did one who I hired, but they failed and this only goes to prove my point that if you want to get something done you should do it yourself" she says a threatening smile on her face, "guys she wanted the bounty hunter to fail... she didn't want him to kill us, because she wants to" I say and the others nod there heads in agreement. "Shit," Alex says as she stubbles across the same conclusion. "But this also shows that your hero's don't know what's coming, they need backup, backup that is never given credit, back up that is never shared or told about, they act as if they go alone but in all honesty they could go 15 minutes without these people backing them up. They deserve the credit, they Deserve our praise not these losers who call themselves hero's just because they happen to have there gifts, and yes I have these gifts as well but I unlike them are not using them to protect others from others, I'm using them to protect others from themselves. We cannot rely on these hero's; they lie to us about what help they have and who helps them, they are false hope and we should not listen or trust them, they are no god, no saviour they are simply people who got lucky. And then chose to use that luck in a way that apparently helps others, although how many do you out there has had there houses or workplaces: their lives destroyed by these alien attacks. So if you feel this way come down to the plaza, we are going to march until those hero's listen. I'm going to be your saviour. After all... I'm Element bitches"

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