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"Kara Kara are you okay?" Barry asks holding my head as I lay on the floor, dizzy and slightly confused, "Yeah I'm fine" I say coughing a few times but still feeling dizzy and ill. "What happened to you" Alex asks as she puts out her hand and helps me up. "I don't know, one moment I was fine the next moment i collapsed what could cause that?" I ask and Alex looks at the bag of material me and Barry got. "I think you might have come into contact with the susbastance that's the only explanation, coughing and passing out is the first sign of mercury poisoning, so if my hunch is correct then this is mercury." Alex says as she places the sample into a analysis machine and starts it up, "but how is that possible Kara didn't even touch it I did and I was wearing the gloves on my suit, a pair of plastic gloves and used ladles I took from a break room to pick it up," Barry says and I look at him, ladles from the break room, sure hope he didn't put them back in the break room, it would not be good for however decided to make like a caesar salad or chicken noodle soup or something, but then my fears start to come true, Barry starts coughing and spluttering, the exact same way I did, I can see him, he's blinking fast, unable to balance constantly slipping around, I put my arm around him but I start coughing too, "Alex is it" I say but cough loudly halfway through "is it mercury" I yell as I fall to the floor and since I was the only thing supporting Barry he too is falling to the floor. Everything is spinning, Alexa worries face is evaporating into the black surroundings of the deo, "this is weird, you said you didn't touch it, didn't you" Alex asks me, I can still hear her fine and respond but I can't see her or face her or anything. "It is mercury but not normal, it has a lot more than 80 neutrons therefore I think it's been modified somehow, it's has over 120 neutrons this gives it more radiation ability anyone who goes into a room with it will be instantly poisoned, you and Barry have and I don't know what to do, it's nearly impossible the way this is done I have no clue what to do, another question is who did this," Alex asks and I look at her, her body nothing but a silloute in the darkness of the room, "I think I have an idea," I say and I look at Alex, "Cynthia" we both say at the same time, but I start coughing again, hard coughing, I'm struggling to breath and soon Barry's coughing becomes just as bad, "Alex help us." I say slipping out of my mind and falling unconscious on the deo floor and hearing nothing but a thud as Barry collapses on the floor next to me. We need help.

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