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"100, no way that's a lot of meta humans and we aren't even in central city" Barry says looking at the iPad screen Alex is holding. "Unless it's like that meta human multiplex, he could clone himself and make thousands of copies like he did at Stagg Industries" Cisco says and Barry nods his head, "well I guess the best way to know would be to get out there," I say putting my hands on my hips in true supergirl fashion while Barry gets into his suit and Cisco puts on his vibe goggles and gloves. "I can assemble a strike team and meet you there" Alex says and I nod my head as she runs off to talk to others and Winn runs over to his computer to start looking for more information, "Let's go" I say as Cisco opens up a breach and we all jump through it, and I can't believe my eyes. Cisco was right about it being the same person and it's the hooded figure who keeps blurting her face across the tv, it's Element. "Hello supergirl, and I see the flash and is it vibe" she says snickering loudly clearly pleasured at the damage she's causing. "Yo crazy lady it is vibe thank you very much" Cisco says and her joking laugh stops, she has clearly gotten annoyed, "Let's fight" I say and we all run, I'm lazerbeaming them, using my freeze breath and just using my super strength to my advantage. Barry is running around knocking them out one by one although it seems like many are all falling at once because he's doing it at super speed. And then Cisco is opening breaches and sending the clones who knows where, while also using frequency blasts to send them flying back. Soon I hear Alex and the squad arrive, they all have guns and come in running, shooting at each clone with a order to kill, "Kara Element is getting away she's down the alley way next to the coffee shop" Winn's voice says through my headset and I turn to the others, "Element is getting away I'm going after her" I say flying up and into the alleyway, "Winn she's not here" I say looking into the darkening abyss, "no Kara she's right behind you" Winn says and I then just in time to see her slap me around the face. I then punch her, causing a small little scratch that she simply ignores, "oh supergirl, I'm going to win this war but just because I want to I'm going to give you a little hint, you want to know who I am? I can tell you, but you have to let me go" she says and I look at her, this could be my only chance to stop her but what if it goes wrong and fails then she gets away and I lose this chance to find out vital information, it's like a movie in my head, I'm thinking through the pros and cons of each one, and then I decide it's not worth losing this chance to get information, "fine I'll let you go but tell me who you are" I say as Element takes off her mask, and let's a long pony tail of purple to black hair fall out of her hood, "my name is Cynthia Adams"

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