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I listen to buffering at the other end of the phone I end the call, what happened to Alex, she wouldn't just disappear, especially not halfway through a sentence. I phone Winn, "hey Winn where's Alex, I was phoning her and then she suddenly disappeared, I don't know what happened, it might have been my phone or hers or maybe the WiFi or something to do with the way the deo is built, can you go and find her for me?" I ask Winn
"Sure, I'm in the storage room right now so might take a moment," Winn says and I can hear him as he gets up and opens the door and wonders down the corridor, "alright but please hurry up, and hows Barry has he woken up yet" I ask hopefully, wanting to see him and hug him, after all we were both poisoned by mercury, "yeah he has, woke up about 10 minutes ago" Winn says "can I talk to him?" I ask, wanting nothing more but to talk to him make sure that he is okay, "sure... hey Barry it's kara she wants to talk to you" I hear Winn tell In the background of the phone, "hey babe, you okay" Barry asks, and I can hear his voice and hope fills up inside me, knowing that he is okay makes me feel less afraid and alone, and knowing that he is safe at the deo is even better, "Yeah I'm fine bit of a headache but I'll be fine, are you okay?" I ask, wondering when Winn will be back to give me news about Alex, "I'm good, speedhealing makes it easier, hey winn says he need to talk to you, so bye, love you kara" Barry says quickly "love you to" I say as I hear muffling sounds as the phones are swapped around, "so Winn did you find Alex" I ask, and Winn isn't replying it's silent on the other end, "Winn what is it" I say anxiously, desperate for Winn's reply, he never pauses between words, ever, never purposely delays responding unless it's for a party or a complete disaster, and I'm not pretty sure there isn't a party going on at the deo, "Alex's phone was laying on the floor, as was her gun, and her jacket, I'm about to check security footage but I think Alex has been taken," Winn says and I feel myself slipping into the sofa, taken no no no no no, that's not right, no no no no no no, Alex i... what the hell do I do, "Okay okay so check the security tapes now Winn I need to know what's happening" I say trying not to burst into tears, "Okay so scrolling through from the past hour, I see it, a girl dressed in a black hoodie I see purple and black hair and a white mask that covers her face, it's the exact same person as" Winn says "Element" I say ripping off my clothes and into my supergirl suit, "yeah Element took alex" Winn says, "tell Barry to suit up, she is going down, get cisco as well and a squad team we need to rescue alex, and as for Element, that bitch needs to be burnt..."

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