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I run back up to the cortex where Barry and Cisco are standing waiting for me, I've been a bit over 15 minutes so it makes sense that the are all there. "I found a picture of me and Alex downstairs with a note from Element on the back along with a load of newspaper articles about supergirl that gave another hint, another note, she will release Alex if we reverse the lockdown and let her go free but if not she will kill alex" I say running up the stairs and hugging Barry then running back over to Winn "check the footage on floor 2 north staircase 4 I think about 2 minutes ago we should see me there" I say and Winn types it in and pulls up the footage of me piecing the newspaper articles together, "Okay now I leave and then we keep watching until now I guess" I say and Winn nods scrolling though the footage, watching me get up and leave returning to here then it shows a person in a black hoodie walk back and look down at the clues "when is this" I say throwing my hand in front of the screen as I can see Winn clearly isn't looking "right now" he says and I then quick and look at Barry "run" I say and we watch as lightning runs off with Barry, he returns in less then a few seconds holding the figure, we'll Element in his arms. "Show yourself Element you sick son of a bitch" I say throwing the hood off and my mouth drops in surprise, it's not Element it's Alex, "oh god I'm sorry" I say hugging Alex and holding her close to me, "Kara it's fine, Element told me to do it, walk out and constantly walk around the 2nd floor but I got distracted by the articles and the photos that I didn't see Barry grab me, and before you ask I have no idea where Element is, and yes I'm fine" Alex says knowing me so well she knows every question I was about to ask, I smile and hug Alex once again. "Okay whatever you say, but why would she let you go, you were her leverage, she wanted to sell you to me so she could escape, she said she'd give me back you if we turned off the lockdown, but she didn't need that if she let you go" I say confused and trying to figure out what's going on, she had a reason for letting Alex go but what is it? Oh crap. "Guys she has Elemental powers right" I say and they all nod her head, "while these walls and lockdown materials are super strong they aren't indestructible, and especially for someone who can control the very metal itself, she going to escape you were bait she never wanted anything with you, she had her plan but you were bait," I say looking at Barry, "yes a distraction" Barry says and Alex turns to face him before looking back at me, "so the question is where is Element now" I say and I turn to Winn who is searching and searching through each and every security camera live feed "I can't find her... and I figured out why, she's left, she seems to have burnt through the metal but honestly I'm not sure, go down to the 3 floor and look at the hole in the wall, literally" Winn says and we nod our heads, she's escaped our clutches once again, dang it, but now what do we do to stop her?

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