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We pull at the last building Ora was seen alive in, she was last seen entering here and then something happened and she became Element, whatever it was maybe some clues will be here. We walk into the front door and our greeted by 3 very jacked security guards, "what do you want" one of them asks and I look at Barry before speaking "were black market dealers but before she disappeared Ora wrecked our system but we fixed it yet we thinks she left some security camera or bomb or something in the lair, we were just checking it out so can we enter plus we have some great deals on weapons you and your crew might enjoy" I say as I open my side jacket and show of a rare gun Barry gave me, "come on in but I need names first" he says as he opens the door and looks at Barry, "I'm the chemist and this is crusher" he says as he points at me and I start twirling my hair around my finger pulling a pouting yet beautiful face. "Well come on in crusher and chemist, Ora was a dick she messed up our system too you can look around the filing room first just go upstairs and take a left and go to the 2nd room on your right" the guard says as the lift doors open and me and Barry step inside and the doors close leaving us too alone. "Well we got what we wanted" Barry says as the lift doors open and we sneak around to the filing room, we walk inside and I lock the door, "okay so go to the computer and look up Ora I guess" I say as Barry runs over and starts typing things into the computer "felicity and Cisco taught me a few things about tech" he says as he pull up the tape from the night she went missing, "oh my god wait what's going on, what is he showing her" I ask as she barges in holding a gun and then suddenly is taken abake and falls into a car watching as someone shows her something, "zoom in" I says and he does showing us whatever Ora was shown, "it's the streets and the city" I say stating what is in the video, "is there volume?" I ask and Barry nods his head and he turns it up, "face it you cause this mess, this city it's like this because of you, you kill and you do so much damage claiming that it's for the greater good, but you mess up you kill and leave people suffering and blame it on those who while not helping the world do not cause harm or damage, this is all you you messed it all up but your Ora that's Incapable isn't it, or is it?" The strange man states showing the videos to Ora. "I've done wrong I'm a wicked girl these people suffer because I'm a killer. And a destroyer. And I am even more evil then you, and now it's time to embrace That"

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