Chapter 2

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As we stand in the hall, he sighs "They don't know this yet, but I'm going to announce a group project involving books that have been turned into movies. For your group, I chose the Stephen King novel, IT."

I give a confused look, before stating "It's a good movie, and a good book. Why would I care?"

"You've read the book?" he asks, carefully watching my expressions to make sure I don't crack.

I furrow my brow and nod "Of course I have. He's a brilliant author." I state, before asking "Why are you asking?"

He leans against the lockers and sighs "If you've read the book, then you know that Beverly's father wasn't a great man. If you would like, I can reassign your table with another book."

I give an unamused look, before declaring "I'm stronger than you give me credit for. I'm not going to break into pieces over it."

"Are you sure?" he asks and I nod. He thinks for a moment, before deciding "You can go have a seat now, Mister Laufeyson."

When I step back inside, Thor smiles at me as I sit across from him. Fury walks in and announces "Get a good look at the people at your table! These will be your best friends in my class!"

There's a few sighs at other tables, but I don't know anyone at mine. Fury continues "I will come around to each table and explain what your year long project is!"

He steps over to our table and crouches next to Thor and this short blonde skinny dude "The project is to analyze the novel, and screen play of Stephen King's IT. You'll all be dressing up as a character a week before graduation, and explaining their backstory, how they contribute to the plot of these movie, and to the book. And their differences between the adaptation. Together you while point out the differences, and critic the movie."

He continues "I need all of you here at seven on Friday, so I can hand over your copies of the book, and explain the fine details. If you can't make it, tell me. If you don't tellme, and you don't come, this whole group will be sent to Saturday detention, from eight to four. Does everyone understand?"

We all nod, and he asks us "Is everyone alright with this book? It brings out a lot of bad things." we continue to nod and he orders "Take the period to get to know one another."

He walks over to another table and they all look to me "Are you a transfer? Or maybe studying abroad?" One guy asks, before holding out his hand "Bruce Banner."

He wears jeans and a white shirt. I've heard of him. He losses his shit from time to time. Throws desks.

"No." I state, before explaining "The accent is from my mum's family. I spent the summer in London."

"Why haven't I seen you around?" the red headed girl asks. She wears a black top, and leggings. Her hair is braided "I'm Natasha Romanoff."

I take in a deep breath, before stating "Moved up a level. I actually only have three classes in this year."

"So we've got a smart kid?" another boy asks. He wears a flannel shirt with jeans and cowboy boots "Clint Barton."

I scoff, before asking "If smart means not wearing those dumb arse boots, then yes. Seriously, we live in West New York, not Texas."

He smirks as another boy snickers "Good one, Uptown Abbey." he clicks his pen, before stating "Tony Stark."

Thor gives me a devilishly handsome smile "Do you really have chronic migraines, or were you pulling his leg?"

Reluctantly, I take hold of the frames of my glasses and lie "It flares up from time to time. It's been a bad week."

He nods, before asking "About what you said in French, I was just trying to be nice, okay? I didn't mean..."

"Yeah." I sigh, before scratching my chin "I know, but like I said. It's been a bad week." I give a weak smile.

"How so?" Thor asks and I give an amused look "I don't mean to pry, but you are the new kid. I've known these guys for years."

"Charming." I scoff as my phone buzzes. When I take it out of my pocket, I find it's Drax. A smile comes over my lips and I answer with a confident "Hello you abnormally large cunt." my new friends look at me rather odd, but I tell them "It's my childhood friend. I've gotta take this."

Silently, I step out of the room as he states "I've just got down making you lunch, so I want to know when your lunch is."

"Darling, you don't have to bring me lunch." I insist, before remarking "Believe it or not, I'm a big boy now."

"Yeah you are." he states, annoyingly, before insisting "I'm still bringing you lunch though. Your scrawny ass needs some food."

"I've gained a bit, across the pond." I remark, before checking the time "But my lunch is in half an hour."

"Great, I'll head your way." he states as I lean against the doorframe "I love you."

A smile creeps across my face and I reply "I love you, too." my table looks at me rather curiously and I scoff "See you later."

The line goes dead and I put my blackberry in my pocket, before taking a seat "You got a girlfriend or something?" Stark asks.

I think for a second, before declaring "Or something." they press for answers and I ask "What about you lot? Got someone special, Banner?"

He looks to Natasha, before looking down "None, ahh, nobody." He insists. Turns out, the only one with a girlfriend, is Thor; however, Stark wants to nail Pepper Potts.

"Jane, she's great. Smart. Pretty." he nods and I gock "Got something to say?"

I look him over, before asking "She's pretty, therefore, she has worth?" he looks gobsmacked, so I declare "Forget it. You don't understand the joke."

"I get it." Natasha states and I look to her. She places her hand on my shoulder "Feminism, aren't you?"

I look at her hand and hum. It's been years since I everything, and I still notice the slightest of touches.

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