Chapter 3

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The rest of class, we just joked around and small talked. When the bell rings, I stroll out to the outdoor cafeteria and sit atop the singular table in the courtyard.

As I light a fag to calm my nerves, I sit with my legs crossed and lean forward on my feet "You know those things are bad for you?" Stark asks as they all sit at the table.

I look them over, before asking "You realize I don't care?" he raises his hands in surrender, before I ask "What are you doing out here?"

Barton shrugs "You look like you can use some company." He turns to his lunch box and pulls out a couple hot dogs "Want one?"

"Don't eat red meat." I state and he gives a half wit snark about how I smoke but I don't eat red meat, causing me to announce "I've got alpha-gal syndrome. Can't eat red meat, so I choose not to eat meat at all. Can't eat dairy or eggs, either."

"So you're vegan?" Banner asks and I hum "So am I."

"So is my mom!" Thor states and I give an amused look "She makes the best enchiladas every Saturday night. Wanna come over and watch the IT movies?"

My focus drops away as I watch a grey truck pull into the parking lot. As he parks, Thor asks "What about you, Loki?" I give a confused look and he asks "Movie night, Saturday?"

He steps out of the car and I stand up "Sure, Saturday." I reply as he grabs his bag. Excitement swells in my chest as I flick the fag away.

I can't help myself from leaping off the table and sprinting towards him. When he spots me, he places the bag on the ground and grabs me around the waist to pull me to him.

"You can't leave for three months, ever again!" he insists as he holds me in his arms "I missed you too much!"

"I missed you too." I state, before pulling away and giving him a soft kiss. Once I pull away from the kiss, he lifts my glasses.

He runs his thumb over my cheekbone and declares "I'm going to kill Laufey." When I sigh he moves my collar down and asks "Is it tender?"

"Yes." I state, before fixing the collar back and asking him "What time do you go to work, love?"

"Three." he states and I sigh "I know, I know. You don't like my hours. I can't help it, though."

"I know." I sigh, before nudging him "Come on, I got an hour for lunch." he picks up his bag and I motion back to the table "These guys don't know much, so keep it PG-13."

"Who are these guys?" he asks as we start towards the table of senior "When did you pick them up?"

"Fourty minutes ago." I smirk, before explaining "We're in English together, and we're working on a project." he hums and I ask "Did the doctor fix your meds?"

"Yeah." he sighs, before explaining "I started reminding things from the fire. Doc said that I shouldn't."

I shake my head "I don't want you to push it, Drax."

He sniffs the air "Have you been smoking?" I press my lips into a fine line and he looks to my new friends "Has he been smoking?"

I give them a pleading look, but Barton smirks "Like a chimney." Drax looks at me, before holding out his hand.

I shake my head, before lying "There's only fag left in my pack, anyways."

He calls my bluff and shrugs "Then it won't matter if I throw it away. Hand it over, Loki. You won't win."

Reluctantly, I take out the newly opened pack and hand it over. He gocks and stuffs them in his pocket "Well, there goes your welcome-home sex." I state.

"Your lungs with thank me later." he insists, before patting the bench "Take a seat. Our food is getting cold."

As I take a seat, everyone gets acquainted, and he takes out a couple of glass containers "What did you make me?"

"Meat-free, dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free, spaghetti." he states, before frowning "To be far, there might not be anything in that container."

I scoff, before opening the container "Do you have celiac disease as well?" Banner asks and I nod "You got some genetic bad luck."

As we eat, Drax's phone buzzes repeatly. After fifteen minutes of it buzzing repeatingly, I hiss "My lord, just answer the phone!"

He sighs and picks it up, before stepping away. Thor asks "When did you and Drax meet?"

"Eight years ago." I state, before vaguely explaining "We were in hospital together. I had a bad reaction to some drugs, he was burned. We were there for a couple of weeks."

"How old is Drax?" Natasha asks, before frowning "Wait, how old are you? When is your birthday?"

"Drax is nineteen." I state, before sighing "I'm seventeen, on Sunday." she smirks and I shake my head "I don't celebrate my birthday."

"Why not?" Stark asks and I shrug as Drax strides back over "Why doesn't Loki his birthday?"

"Shitty parents." Drax jokes, before grabbing his bag "I'm so sorry, but I've got to go. One of my workers got molten steel in his eye. They're talking about taking the eye out, because the co-"

I hold up my hand to quiet him "I don't want to know. Just go." he grabs his bag and starts to leave, before I frown "Are you forgetting something?"

He gives a soft kiss, before walking to his car. Once he's gone, Thor asks "So your birthday is September 4th?"

When I nod, Stark grips Thor "Good God, we've got a Freaky Friday situation!" I give a confused look.

Thor explains "My twin and I have two different birthdays. Her's is the third, mine is the fourth. We usually do a weekend celebration, together."

"Charming." I scoff, before digging into my bag to pull out my other pack "Listen, I don't celebrate for a reason, being my mum died on September 4th." as I open my pack, and stick one in my teeth, they give pitiful look "Doesn't help that she killed herself."

They give the most apologetic looks as I light the fag. Finally, Thor asks "So, is it just you and your dad?"

I shrug, before explaining "Laufey is never home. When he is, I'm not. On the rare chance we're both home, we're screaming at each other." When I look at them, they look like kicked puppies "It doesn't help to look at me like a kid who's dropped their ice cream in the sand."

Stark grips my shoulder, causing me to jump out of my skin. When I shove his hand away, he frowns "I've been there, kid." he nods, before explaining "My parents died in a car accident, last year."

I give him a weak smile, before taking a drag.

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