Chapter 49

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As we park on a turn off down a dirt road, his phone rings. He puts it in park, before answering it "Hey, mom."

He puts it on speaker and I hear Hela ask "How's Loki doing? He blew up pretty bad."

I scoff, before telling them "I'm doing already."

Thor looks my way and declares "We're going somewhere to cool down. We'll be home later."

When he hangs up, he looks me over, before remarking "You look like a drowned rat."

I smile at that, before leaning towards him and kissing him softly "Help me lay down the seats."

"Oh, are we car camping, tonight?" he asks and I hum, before crawling into the backseat.

Once the seats are down, and Thor has laid out the blankets that he keeps in the back, I lay my head down on his shoulder and whisper "Maybe I should get out of these wet clothes?"

He looks at me, nervously "Where you trying to get me naked? Are you good with that after today?"

I gasp, before declaring "It's been almost two months since I had an orgasm. I'm feeling really empowered."

He hums, before ripping off my soaked jumper.


The following Monday morning, Thor sits in my closet, digging through the trunk of sex toys as I change.

After a moment of silence, he pulls out the largest butt plug of them all "How does this even fit?"

I scoff, before declaring "There's a remote control for that one." He looks back at him in thought, before holding it up.


As we stand in front of the class, snickers erupt from the class as I point out "You probably expect Natasha would be Beverly, on account that she's a redhead, and the only girl. However, we all felt that our personalities match better this way."

"Why is that?" Fury asks.

Steve, who is dressed as Stanley, states "I don't need to be what people want me to be."

Banner, who dressed like Mike, states "No matter what people tell me, my ethnicity, and my mind, is a part of what makes me, me."

Tony, who plays a convincing Richie, declares "The more I talk smack, the more scared I become."

"I might snap at my sister, but I'll always love her." He takes Natasha's hand "I promise to go paper boating with you."

Natasha hugs Barton "I make some dumb mistakes, but I know now, to wait for my brother."

Thor looks to me "I'm helplessly in love with the person standing next to me, even after every."

I give a weak smile, before announcing to the class "I've been abused by the people I'm supposed to trust, but I'm not letting it control me."

I stand strong and declare "I came into this school year thinking I would keep my head down and fly below the radar. Man, was I wrong!"

The class chuckles and I nudge Thor "How was your year?"

"Crazy." Thor remarks.


The next day, I stand in front of my graduating class and speak "All of you are looking at me like I definitely slept with some people to get my GPA of 5.2."

I shake my head "Most of you don't know that I read War & Peace by the time I was three. The fact that my IQ is over 180. Or the fact that I remember everything I've seen and heard."

A few people look taken aback and I continue "There where a lot of rumors about me floating around the school. I will neither confirm nor deny anything, but I am living proof that you can do anything you set your mind to."

"Personally, I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to be in life." I state, before shrugging "But I'm going to take a leap of faith and see where it takes me."

The Class Clown- Thorki Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now