Chapter 5

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When I get home, Laufey isn't. Silently, I mill around my room after he gets home. Knowing that I need to get up early, I set my alarm for six and go to bed.

Surprising, I'm not awaken by my alarm the next day. My skin burns from the boiling water being poured over my chest.

As I scream in pain, Laufey pulls me out of bed by my ankle and slams me into the ground. Panic and fear rage through me as he sits on top of me and holds the scolding pan an inch from my face "You make me sick!" he hisses as I beg for him not to.

When he pushes it closer, I knock it away and he growls, before his fist collides with my right eye.

The throbbing from my eye goes unnoticed, while he fumbles with his belt buckle "Maybe I should discover, if that priest ruined his reputation for something."

I continue to ramble pleas for him to let me go as he pulls my hands above my head and sniffs my hair.

When he pulls away, he spits in my face and sneers "You like this, don't you faggot?" as I plead again, he smacks me and stands up.

After grabbing his pan, he gives a good kick to my side, before striding out, slamming the door behind him.

In complete shock, I lay on the ground, staring up at the ceiling.


It's alright half eight when I muster the courage to walk over to my fags. Although my hands are trembling, I'm able to light up.

As soon as the nicotine reaches my lungs, I feel entirely numb as my lungs bake. Somberly, I turn to my phone to find dozens of text.

The last is from Thor, reading "I swear, I'm going to kick your ass next time I see you, Loki!"

With a sigh, I call Natasha and she picks up, instantly "Where the hell are you? Fury gave us Saturday detention!"

Knowing that I can't tell her the truth, I lie "When I woke up, I had a really bad migraine, but I got ready and I was heading towards the stairs, when I got light-headed." I take in a shakey breath, before continue "I thought I was alright, but I fainted at the top of the stairs. I woke up like five minutes ago, in the backyard." I look down the stairs at the rocky grass and sigh "I guess I hit my head."

She takes a moment, before asking "Are you okay?" she seems a bit annoyed, but generally concerned.

I look at my shakey hands, before declaring "I'm a little shakey, but I'm good. I'm having a fag to calm myself."

There's silence on the other end of the phone for a second, before she comes back on "Can you stay on the line for a few minutes? I'm getting the others out of class."

A few minutes later, Steve sighs "The only thing that matters is that you're okay." I hum and he asks "Are you coming to school?"

"Not today." I sigh, before explaining "Can't ride with a concussion." They all sigh and I ask "So we have detention tomorrow?"

"According to Fury." Thor sighs, before asking "So, do you want me to pick you up after school, or tomorrow morning?"

"What?" I ask as I take a drag of my fag "I'll get myself to school tomorrow."

"No, you're not." he states, before insisting "I don't want you to bail on us again."


At four thirty, there's a knock on the front door and I try to make it to it before Laufey doea, but I don't even make it to the stairs "Faggots use the back door. You should know that."

Silently, I get back to my room and shut my door, just in time to spot Thor walking through the back gate.

When he gets up to my room, I place my phone in my bag and put on my sunglasses "Nice room."

"Yeah." I sigh, before turning to him "Sorry about Laufey. He's not very nice."

"Runs in the family I guess." he states, before shaking his head "If you where going to go off on a bender, you should ha-"

I take off my glasses to show the black eye and he goes silent, instantly "I wasn't on a bender." I state.

"I'm sorry." he states and I give an amused look, before he asks "Why do you wear dog collars?"

I shrug, before lying "I think they're cool." he nods, before holding out his hand for my bag. Once I can it over, I turn around and get on my knees to look under the bed.

After a second, he asks "What are you doing?"

"Looking for a book." I state and he gocks, before I continue "Yeah, I ran out of room in the library." I state, before grabbing the book and smirking "There's more in my closet."

When I hold up my copy of the book, he frowns "You've read the book?" I nod and he frowns "Are you going to reread it?"

I shake my head, before explaining "I can't quote it, word for word. I've got noted and philosophical questioning in the margins." He gives a confused look and I give an example "Why is the tunnel the metaphor for childhood? Because the road to adulthood is long, dark, and scary. Some are rather short, some are long, some drop off, and some you never make it out of. Even though they're in a group, they were completely alone in facing their own demons. Even if you leave the tunnel, some of it is implanted in your psyche."

"That's deep." he states and I shrug, before stepping towards the door "Seriously, is that why the clown lives in the tunnel?" I hum and he jokes "What, is he going to molest them, too."

I take a moment at the top of the stairs, before explaining "Beverly was sexually abused by her father. The clown isn't a clown. It's the image of fear. Fear shapes us into adults. You have to learn to stop being afraid, in order to truly escape childhood." I stop at the bottom of the stairs and explain "That's why we never truly leave."

As I stride towards his SUV, he gives an amused look, before asking "Then what would your clown look like?"

I think for a moment, before shrugging "I don't know, yet." he smiles at me as we reach his car "What, did you take your mum's car?"

He shakes his head with a frown "This is my car." I scoff and look back into the SUV "I love my car."

I give him an amused look "Thor, this is the type of SUV that feds drive." he shrugs and I buckle my seat belt "The last time I was in one of these."

He starts the car, before realizing and asking "You've been in a federal vehicle before?" I press my lips into a fine line, before nodding "When?"

I remind him "My mum was a junky, Thor." he nods and we slip into silence for a few minutes, before I ask "Where do you live, anyways?"

"On the other side of town. In richy ville." he states and I nod, before he asks "What does your dad do?"

"Heart surgeon." I state, before frowning "What do your parents do for a living?"

"Father is the CEO of Asgard. You know, the world trade vessels?" I nod with an empressed look, before he continues "Since dad is gone for weeks on end, mother stays home and does the real stuff. Cooking, cleaning, putting up with Hela and I. Showing the love that Odin can't."

I smile at him, before asking "That's what mums do, huh? Try to show you the love you don't get from your father."

"Was your mom like that?" he asks and I nod, causing him to ask "Even when she was... you know?"

I give a sideways smile, before asking "You know that stupid dinosaur sandwich cutter?" He nods and I explain "The last thing my mom ever did, was make me a peanut butter, apricot jelly, dinosaur sandwich."

He frowns, before asking "Why apricot?"

"I didn't use to like strawberry or grape." I smile, before shrugging "She was a wonderful mum." my eyes go blurry and I look out the window desperate not to cry in front of him.

The Class Clown- Thorki Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now