Chapter 42

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When I wake up from my nap, I hear screaming across the hall. In confusion, I pull on some pants and hobble across the hall to Thor's room.

As I knock on the door, I hear shuffling inside and Tony opens the door "Hey buddy, how are you feeling?"

"Like a zombie." I state, before finding a pile of cards on the floor "What's all the screaming about?"

"Poker." Banner states, before glaring at Barton "He's cheating!" Barton smirks, before picking up the cards.

I nod, groggily, before asking "What time is it?" I chew on a piece of skin on my lip as Thor checks his watch.

"It's four." he looks my way and asks "When are you supposed to take your next dose of dope meds?"

I think for a second, before stating "Now." he nods, before folding his cards and counting his chips.

Once he's done, he stands and walks towards me "Come on, I'll help you down the stairs." he nudges me, softly.

It takes a moment, before insisting "No, you don't have to. I got it." He gives a doubting look and I nod "I got it."

Thor nods "I'll follow you." I hum, before hobbling down the stairs. When I get down by myself, he smirks "You got it!"

I glare at him "I'm numb. I'm not slow." he raises his hand in surrender. When I get to the kitchen, I find Frigga and Odin making supper.

When they see me, Frigga asks "How you feeling?"

I get a glass of water, before explaining "Before, I was either living on ecstasy, or hopelessly. Before that, I was numb, but I could still sense my own emotion, if that makes sense." I look to them and ask "You know how psycho kids say they killed there parents because they can't feel anything, ever?"

They give a concerned look, before nodding. I nod with them "That's how I feel." I shrug "Minus the urge to kill."

As I take my pills, I remember "I feel like a apathetic."

Odin gives a concerned look "Is that better than a psychopath?"

"Apathetic: having or showing little to no emotion." I state and they nod "Much better than psychopathic."

They nod and Frigga asks "Are you hungry?" I shake my head and she tells me "Dinner is in a couple of hours."

I nod, before asking "Where's Hela and Carol?" they all laugh and I look at them in confusion "What?"

Thor points up and remarks "They're already eating." I sigh at him and he chuckles "That's funny, and you know it!"

"Thor?" I ask and he hums in recognition "Literally, the only thing I can express, is humor and sarcasm. That wasn't funny." his smile drops and I smile at him, which he returns, before I nudge him "I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up for dinner."

He kisses my forehead, before following me to the stairs. As I try to hobble up the stairs, he gets inpatient and slings me over his shoulder.

"Thor?" I ask and he hums "What are you doing? I kind of need my crutches, to, you know, walk."

"I'll get them for you." he states as he walks into his room and sits me on his bed.

As I worm my way under the covers, Natasha asks "When do you need to change your bandages?"

I think for a second, before stating "Ninish." She quickly counting her chips, before standing up and sitting on the edge of the bed.

She slides under the blanket with me and spoons me. She moves the hair out of my face, softly.

"Natasha?" I ask and she hums. I remark "Although I find your figure quite attractive, you both lack extremities that I cherish, and possess those that I don't."

She chuckles, before ordering "Get over it, I'm just holding onto you." She snuggles into me "You're too precious to loose."

"Wait a second." I insist, before asking "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"Hela didn't have a class today." Natasha states, before sighing "Steve was the library aid for last period, so he called us out, and we ditched."

I hum, before nuzzling into the pillow and falling asleep.


A couple of hours later, Thor nudges me awake and I groan "Dinner's ready." I yawn, before rolling over in his bed.

He sighs and spoons me "Loki, wake up!" I grovel and he shakes my hips, softly "Wake up!" he whines.

"Thor, leave me alone!" I yawn and he continues shaking my hips "Thor, I'll meet you downstairs! Just go!"

He props himself up over me and asks "Promise?"

"I promise." I grovel and the kisses my forehead, before crawling off the bed and down the hall.

I lay there for a moment, before grabbing my crutches. When I get to the top of the stairs, I can hear them speaking, below.

"Mom, he said he was getting up!" Thor states, before I hear the fridge shut "It's not like how it was!"

"You weren't the one who saw him like that!" Frigga insists, before explaining "I was the one who tried to pull him out of bed, when he was... I don't know, down?"

"Okay, well he's not jumping around, making breakfast at four, or some shit, like he used to, so that's an improvement!" Hela tells Frigga, before sighing "Seriously, this is helping him, mom!"

"I'm not saying that!" Frigga declares, before sighing "I just, I don't think he's going to come down for supper!"

I think for a second, before hobbling towards my room and grabbing my phone. On purpose, I slam my door and hobble down the stairs.

When I get down, Odin smiles "Hey, how'd you sleep?"

I look around the table at my family and friends, before stating "Like a brick." I sit in my seat and look towards Banner "Pass the mashed potatoes, please."

There's silence for a moment as I plop a mountain of mash potatoes on my plate. As I continue to grab different foods, everyone stares at me, intensely.

As I take my first bite, I stop and declare "If you're just going to stare at me like that, I'm going to go eat in the kitchen."

Instantly, they look away and start to eat.

The Class Clown- Thorki Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now