Chapter 23

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As Natasha and I speed towards the house, she asks "What did you mean by your incestuous father?"

I take a breath, before asking "Do you remember the week after Thor's birthday, when I met Carol and Hela for the first time?"

She nods as I stop at a stoplight "My nan didn't call me that night. Laufey called me. Told me to be there before midnight, or mum's note would be torched." I take a moment, before shrugging "You're a smart girl. You can put two and two together."

She's silent for too long so I glance over to her to find she's worried "Why didn't you tell us months ago?"

I hum in sarcasm "I don't know." before mocking "Hey guys, I just got raped by my father, want to watch a movie?"

She's silenced for a moment by my outburst, before hesitantly asking "Are you... are you alright, Loki?"

I scoff and I can feel her eyes piercing the side of my head "Of course not. I take pot gummies just to get out of bed in the morning."


At five, we park outside the hospital and we're completely silent for a moment, before I state "You can tell the others, if you'd like."

She's silent for a second as I turn off the car. She holds my hand and sighs "I'm going to tell Barton."

I give a weak smile, before taking my mother's ring from the compartment and stepping out of the car.

Silently, we walk through the hospital and stop at the nurses station, where I ask "Is Doctor Ymirson available?"

The nurse checks her files as Laufey rounds the corner "Loki!" he sneers, before stepping forward.

"This is Loki?" the nurse asks and Laufey nods, before the nurse smiles "Last time I saw you, you were to my hip! Now look at you! Laufey was so proud of you when you bumped up a grade."

I furrow my brow and remark "Yeah, well, time shows growth." I start to dig into my pocket to grab mum's ring, but Natasha stops me.

"You know, after Loki's mom died..." Natasha looks to the nurse "Laufey was gracious enough to give Loki her wedding ring."

"I did." Laufey furrows his brow, before asking "Loki, your friends are all very... educated, aren't they?"

I cock my eyebrow to him and remark "A couple of them are, yes."

Natasha smiles at Laufey "Actually, can I have a word with you, Laufey?"

Laufey brings us to the break room and Natasha punches him, straight in the nose. When he cowares, she gocks "You talk a mighty big game, but you're to coward to hurt Thor."

"You're a dumb whore if you think that." Laufey insists, but I can see him cracking.

She gocks, before declaring "We stumbled across your yard, and you have to play the tough." she pulls him down by his hair "I've seen men like you, Laufey! They may slap there kids around, but that's only because they're too scared to fight an adult!"

She kicks him in the balls and he groans as she remarks "Funny how you had to knock him out to tie him down. Also, a girl just beat you up."

Laufey grips onto the table and Natasha pushes him back, causing the table to slip out from under him "Stay away from him. Next time, it won't just be me."

I've stood in complete shock. Natasha grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room. As she pulls me through the halls, I'm absolutely dumbstruck.

When we get to the waiting room, Frigga and Odin are gone. No doubt, visiting Thor. Hela gives a curious look "What's wrong?"

"She punched Laufey." I gulp and they all look taken aback "And kicked him in the jewels." They all look to me and I blurt out "He raped me on September 10th and I just told Natasha."

"He did what?" Tony asks, before looking to Hela "Did you two know about it?" they give a short nod and he furrows his brow before counting back "Wait, we were all together that weekend."

I motion to Carol "Carol found me spiking your drinks... she helped me sneak out... didn't know why until after..."

"What did you give us?" Rogers asks and I scratch the back of my neck "Was it roofies? Did you roofy us?"

"It was Ambien." I state, before explaining "I stole them from Frigga and she asked me about it when I stayed home that Monday."

They all look taken speechless, so I sit down and avoid eye contact with everyone that's supposed to be my friends.

After a moment, Barton walks over and kneels in front of me, taking my hands between his "Loki, you shouldn't be ashamed of this."

I shake my head and he sits next to me as my friends surround me. We're utterly silent for a moment, before Steve takes my hand "The last thing you ate, was a bag of potato chips at the game. We should head to the cafeteria, get you something to eat."

I shake my head and insist "I can't leave Thor." They give sad looks and I shrug "The odds of him making it to tomorrow... I just can't."

"I'll call you if anything happens." Carol calls from the other side of the room, causing all of us to look over "Go." she orders.

They lead me through the halls and into the cafeteria. I rest my head on Tony's shoulder as I toss the fruit around its cup.

We're silent for a long moment, before I nudge Tony "Get up, I need to do something." he cocks an eyebrow to me and I order "Get out of the booth."

He slides out of the booth and I stand up as he asks "Where are you going?" While I put on my jacket, he gives a concerned look.

"Stay out of my business." I insist, emotionlessly, before scratching my forehead "I just can't be here right now."


Cautiously, I stock around Hunts Point, an hour later. The sun is not yet visible over NYC, and prostitutes are walking home from work.

Silently, I walk up to a man wearing an overlarge hoodie. When I reach him, I ask "Got any smack?"

He gocks "What do you need it for, kid? What kind you need?" I cock my eyebrow to him and he furrows his brow "You ain't no nark, are you?"

I hand over a hundred and whisper "China White." as he digs into his pocket, I check over my shoulder to insure nobody is watching.

When I turn back, he gives me a few dime bags and sniffles "I'll tell you this much, it's been stepped on."

I shove it into my jacket and sigh "As long as it takes my feet off the ground, I really don't give a shit."

"Oh, it will." he insists and I start back to my bike.

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