Chapter 37

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By the time Thor gets home, the cops have come and gone. Frigga has insured that a shock blanket was wrapped around me at all times.

I was moved to the couch. I haven't moved since. Thor tries to move the hair out of my face, but I anxiously knock him hand away, before lacing my hands in my hair.

He steps away from me and I can hear them whispering to one another "He knew the guy?" Thor asks.

"Apparently he was his roommate in rehab." Frigga whispers "I guess he told him we had a bit of money."

Something strikes in my brain and I state "I didn't." they're silent so I continue "I told him that I was living with my boyfriends family, because my father was an abusive pile of shit, doctor."

The thought snowballs in my mind and I gock "He knew what town I was from! Knew that my father worked at the hospital!" I look back them to find their not catching on "When I walked out of the ER, Laufey was genuinely surprised! Not because I was gone for weeks, but because he told Malikith where to find me!"

I stand and take my crutches, before clarifying "Malikith knew that I'd be out for a run, because we that's what I did every morning in rehab!" I shrug, before asking "Usually at teo, but he was probably high off his arse, so what's three hours?"

Odin furrows his brow and asks "You think Laufey tried to kill you?"

I think for a second, before I catch on and start laughing, causing all of them to look at me nervously "Don't you get it?" I ask and they shake their heads, causing me to ask "Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring."

They give insulted looks and I explain "Cat, mouse! When the cat gets bored playing with it's food, it kills it! He tried killing me, but I've peaked his interest!"

When they still don't catch on I sigh and spell it out "He's starting his endgame! One last event to get to me!"

"What's he planning?" Thor asks and I look at him in belittlement "Loki, not all of us have an IQ of one-eighty-something, okay?"

"Malikith knew that you two were planning to adopt me." I state, before shrugging "Laufey saw us at the hospital. He probably figured that I signed the papers and would go with Odin to turn them in, considering I only returned yesterday, and wouldn't have turned them in yet."

"And he was right." Odin states, before clarifying "About the papers, not you going with me."

I look to Frigga "Classic robber knowledge. If you plan to leave someone alive, wear a mask. If your going to kill someone, forget it."

I can see goosebumps cover her skin from feet away and she asks "If you weren't here, I would be dead?"

I give a weak smile "Probably." she gulps and I shrug "Rather Frigga died or Malikith died, Endgame would be put in motion."

They give a confused look and I shrug "I killed a guy. I'm barely six weeks sober, and I have blood on my hands." I scoff and lean on the back of the couch "He's hoping I relapse and kill myself."


Later that night, as I brush my hair, Frigga knocks on my bathroom door, before poking her head in "Can I come in?"

I nod and she steps in. She hugs me before asking "Will you stay home with me tomorrow? Just one more day?"

I give a pleased smile, before nodding. We stand there for a moment, before I ask "0803048788?"

She nods and I explain "Hela was born on September the 3th of 1987. Or 08/03/87. Thor was born on September the 4th of 1987. Or 08/04/1987."

She smiles, warmly "Indeed."

I give a confused look, before asking "Were does the eighty-eight come in, then? Why isn't it just 0803041987?"

She shrugs "It used to be, but then we hired Heimdall. He thought you would guess it was the twins birthdays and steal money for drugs, so we changed it to something you wouldn't guess."

I take a minute, trying to crack it, before sighing "I still don't get it, but okay."

She scoffs, before pointing out "Well, who do we know and love, that was born on either September 3rd or 4th of 1988?"

It finally clicks and I place my hairbrush down and state "Now I know how you feel when I'm explaining stuff."

"Yeah." she licks her lips, before nudging me "How about we head down and watch a movie? I've got vegan ice cream."

With that, we walk out of the bathroom.


The next morning, I hobble downstairs at two and sit in front of the telle. After an hour of yawning, but not being able to fall asleep, I make a pot of coffee.

By the time six rolls around, three pots of coffee are gone. I'm in the middle of making pot number four when Frigga walks in "What time did you wake up?"

"Does it count as sleeping if you wake up within the same hour you went to sleep?" I ask as I lean on the counter.

"Was it because of yesterday?" she asks as I pull myself up to sit on the counter "I didn't sleep much, either."

"Partly, yes." I state and she gives a confused look "Partly because of Laufey. Partly my mum. Partly the priest. Partly because of my cast..." I sigh and remark "And partly because Thor's dick was poking me in the back."

She scoffs and I pull the pot out to fill my cup as much as I can. When I put it back, coffee pours down into the pot.

After a moment I ask "Why didn't you get Thor circumcised?" she gives a confused look and I shrug "Yeah, he keeps it clean, but it's still kinda weird."

She scoffs, before explaining "Odin's idea, not mine. Said he might enjoy that extra bit of pleasure, later." I scoff and she whispers "And he had a botched one when he was a newborn."

I furrow my brow "What, did they cut off too much?" she nods and I laugh "That's pretty funny."

"What's funny?" Odin asks as he walks into the room.

In unison, Frigga and I insist "Nothing."

The Class Clown- Thorki Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now