Chapter 19

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After forcing them to promise that they won't tell anyone, I stay home on Monday. The first half of the day, I spent trying to scrub the filth off my body.

With no success, I spent the second half of the day, scrubbing the life out of the bathroom. Once the smell of bleach spreads through the house, Frigga pokes her head into my bathroom "Are you alright, deary?"

I glance up and state "I can't stand just laying around. Figured I could, at least, do this." I lie, before scrubbing the grout in the tile flooring.

She furrows her brow, before taking the brush from me and declaring "You didn't answer me, love."

I sit back on my heels and lie "I'm doing alright." I take the brush back from her and dip it into the bucket, before getting back to work.

After a moment, she states "I counted my Ambien. Looks like I'm a few short." I hum and she sighs "I saw you, sneaking back into the house, yesterday morning."

I sit up and look at her. She smiles weakly at me and I drop my brush in the bucket "You did." I scowl, tears threaten to tell.

She cocks an eyebrow to me, before ordering calmly "You better tell me, now. It'll come out, one way or another."

A tear slides down my cheek and I use my shirt to wipe it away, only more pour out and I sit to my back to the tub as I sniffle.

She sits next to me and wrap her arms around me. She brushes my hair out of my face and everything just slips out.


"What's happening in here?" Thor asks and I lift my head from Frigga's chest to look at him. He sighs and asks "She knows everything?"

"More than you do." I state, before backing away from her and feeling the tightness of my tear-dried face "She knows absolutely everything."

She smiles warmly, before moving a lock on hair out of my face "You must be starving, love."

I scrunch my nose in disgust at the thought and she hums, before asking "How about nachos?"

I scoff, before asking "How are you going to manage that one?" The edges of her lips turn up, before she stands and offers me a hand.

"Wash up." she orders, before declaring "You reek of bleach."

They disappear and I step into the shower. After my shower, I dress and patter down the stairs to find Thor and Frigga in the kitchen, talking about how his day was.

Silently, I slip into the study and run my fingers over the spines of the books. Looking over the titles, I've read most of them.

My eyes fall onto the piano and I take a seat. As my fingers rake the keys, I remember my favorite song.

Once the first note is pressed, the world melts away and I continue with the second. As I go through the song, I jump back to the repeat sign five times, before ending it with the second ending. All the while, my eyes are closed.

When I open my eyes, Thor leans against the bookshelf and declares "That was beautiful. Who wrote it?"

I put the keyboard down and declare "I did." he gives an impressed look and I explain "When I was six."

He steps forward and frowns "Mom and dad used to force Hela and I to take piano lessons. I still can't tell you were the G note is."

I give a weak smile, before remarking "My parents paid for me to be molested, so..." he furrows his brow and I scoff "I was joking! I also learned how to play."

He gives an unamused look and I sigh "Don't worry, I joke around the shit." he sighs and I shrug "I don't like getting deep."

He scoffs, tiredly, before stating "Dinner is ready." I hum, before stepping away from the piano and patting his back.

When we sit down to supper, Frigga and Thor sit on either side of me. About halfway through, Frigga looks to me and states "I'm going to have to tell Odin." I give a short nod and she decides "It's your choice if you'd like to involve the police."

I shake my head and she gives a warm smile, before moving hair out of my face "He's a doctor with an impeccable reputation."

She sighs and insists "Big men never get punished for wrong-doings." I hum and she declares "You can stay home for as long as you want."

 I sigh, before declaring "I need to go to school." they give a concerned look and I clarify "Teachers might suspect something if I skip more school. Also, I've got a bowl due by Friday, and I haven't even started."

Thor gives a soft hum, before asking "How long does it take to make a bowl?" I cock an eyebrow at him and he declares "I know nothing about pottery."

"It takes a few days." I state and he nods. Silently, we continue eating.


The next day, I stroll into English a couple minutes later than usual, on account that I crashed in Coulson's office.

Fury gives me a curious look and remarks "I think you've got the wrong class, son." I gock, before tossing my bag onto my desk.

"Really, Nicholas?" I ask and Fury gives a mistaken look "I miss one day and suddenly you forget about me? How rude." I joke.

Notably, this is the first day I haven't been to school with sunglasses on. Fury simply furrows his brow "Have a seat."

When I go to sit down, the room is completely silent. It's not until lunch that my friends speak "How are you feeling?" Natasha asks.

I hum, before pulling out my pack of fags and walking around the building to spark up. As I take in my first puff, Fury steps out of the building.

As I release it, he states "That'll ruin your appetite." With a sigh, I examine it, before taking another drag. Silently, Nicholas pulls out his own pack. I cock an eyebrow to him and he states "It's been a hard week."

I hum, before looking over his jacket to find orange cat hairs "Problem with the cat?" I ask and he gives me a look of disbelief.

Finally, he admits "Goose was hit by a car on Sundays morning. They're amputating his right front leg."

I click my tounge "Pussy problems. That's why I'm gay." he gives me a taken aback look and I insist "Goose will be fine. Cats are tough little shits."

He nods, before declaring "Yeah, he is." he takes a long drag, before asking "Why are you smoking?"

I set my jaw, before declaring "Family issues." he hums and I state "Thor's family is letting me crash for now."

He furrows his brow and asks "What kind of family issues?" I take a very long drag and he sighs "You know I'm supposed to report abuse."

"You got no proof, Nick." I remind and he sighs, before taking a drag "Besides, I'm doing alright."

"Loki, babe!" Thor calls, before rounding the corner and frowning "You should really eat something."

"Give me a minute." I order and he gives a weak smile "I'll be right there." he disappears and I turn back to Nick.

"You're doing more than alright." Fury jokes, before I drop my fag and he insists "Keep me updated on that family situation, kid."

When he drops his, I insist "Only if you keep me updated on Goose." I hold my hand out and he shakes it.

When I sit at the table, Thor asks "What was that about?" I shake my head and give a weak smile, before leaning into him.

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