Chapter 22

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We won the state game, but it came at a price. In the final moments of the game, a Buffalo offensive lineman, took Thor and drilled him into the ground.

It was funny, until he didn't get up, or move. Hela road in the ambulance with him. The closest hospital was ours.

Hela said that they opened his chest in the ambulance. Told her that a broken rib punctured his heart.

The moment I heard that, I understood that I would probably never get to see Thor again, unless...

I dart to the nurses station, my friends on my heels "Who's preforming the heart mesh implant on Thor Odinson?"

The nurse furrows her brow and asks "Are you apart of Mister Odinson's immediate family?" as she flips through her papers.

"My father works here." I state and she furrows her brow, before I beg "Please... he's my best friend."

She gives a weak smile, before looking down and stating "Doctor Ymirson." Relief floods through me and I give a grateful look.

"Is he a good surgeon?" Tony and asks and I nod, before walking back towards the Odinson family.

"The best in the state." I state, before the bubble of hatred settles in my throat. I don't tell them that my father is preforming the surgery.


"How long should this surgery take?" Carol asks me as we sit at the cafeteria, an hour later.

"Depends on how much wreckage there is." I state as I screw with the top of my water bottle "It's still a new procedure."

"How new?" Steve asks and I give him a look, causing him to scowl "You don't think he's going to make it, do you?"

I take in a shakey breath, before educating "Not a year ago, it was being tested." I set my jaw and insist "If Thor has any chance, it's with this doctor."

They're all silent, and I can't face the possibility that he might pass, so I continue talking "They'll probably have to cut his hair, if there's a problem with his brain."

"Thor would be furious." Hela gives a weak scoff, before mocking "Nobody touches my hair!"

I shake my head and give a tired sigh "Can you just imagine Thor with a bald head?" they all nod, instantly.

"Hela shaved his head when we were nine." Barton states and I laugh "He wore hats to school for the whole year."

"Nobody really noticed." Banner remarks "He already had a six pack." he gocks "I'm pretty sure he had a six pack since he was in the womb."

Frigga scoffs "Probably by the time he was in kindergarten." she shakes her head "He would run around and climb on everything."

Odin shakes his head "Broke his first bone when he was six, climbing up the side of the stairs."

"It's a miracle he got this far." Hela remarks, before biting her tounge.


Hours pass without word, until Laufey steps into the waiting room. His gaze locks on me, before he straightens out and asks "Odinson?"

"That's us." Odin states and he leans forward as he asks "Are you Doctor Ymirson?"

"Yes." Laufey gives a weak smile, before announcing "Thor will be in the ICU for awhile, but he's made it through surgery. Time will tell if he'll recover."

Odin reaches out and shakes Laufey's hand "Thank you. Seriously, I'm so grateful to you. Your a miracle worker."

He gives a weak smile, before looking to me "Loki, can we speak for a moment?" I grit my teeth and stand up.

Silently, we walk out of the waiting room and make it to the last window, before he grabs my arm and I shove him off "What?"

He furrows his brow, before asking "How do you know Thor Odinson?" I set my jaw and he asks "Is he your boyfriend?"

I clear my throat and remark "I don't seem to see a reason why you should know what my relationship with Thor is."

He gives a cocky look, before declaring "There's a million ways I could kill him with nobody noticing."

I take in a deep breath, before asking "What do you want?" he hums, before raising his hand to my neck.

His finger skirts across my adams apple and I jerk away, causing him to grip my neck. He gocks, before announcing "I want your mother's ring."

"I already pawned it." I lie, before shrugging "You know that pawn shop on West and Main? The one that sells heroin out the back. I remember going there with mum the day before she died."

He gives me a hateful look, before pushing me back into the window and gripping my collar "You're going to get me that ring by noon, or your friend won't live for Christmas!"

He storms off and I take a second, before pinching the bridge of my nose in thought. After my second is up, I smooth my hair out, before kicking off the wall and moving towards the waiting room.

When I get there, Frigga asks "Who was that?" I ignore her as I put on my backpack, before remembering taking Hela's Volkswagen bus to the game.

"Can I borrow your keys?" I ask Hela and she gives a confused look "I need to pick something up from the house. I'll be right back."

"That was Laufey." Natasha tells Frigga and the Odinson family looks taken aback "What did he talk to you about?"

I set my jaw, before explaining "If I don't give him my mum's wedding ring by noon, he's going to make Thor's death look like an accident."

Odin holds his hand out and looks at it "I shook his hand and thanked him." he's furrows his brow, before standing up and looking me straight in the eye "Are you ready to give up that ring?"

I think for a moment, before nodding "I'd do anything to save Thor." he gives a weak smile, before handing over the keys to his Ferrari.

I give a grateful look, before starting down the halls of the hospital. Outside the hospital, I don't make it two feet, before finding a guy smoking outside.

In the moment, I can't stop myself from asking "May I bum one?" He looks over at me and I give a weak smile "It's been a long day."

He offers his pack and I take a fag. After he lights it, he asks "What brings you here?" I give a confused look and he asks "In America?"

"I'm a citizen." I state and he nods, before I explain "My nan lives in the UK, so I visit every summer."

He gives a weak smile, before asking "Got a lot of family?" I shake my head and he declares "I just lost the last of mine."

I give a sorrowful look, before apologizing, causing him to shrug "It was quick. The best and worst days, right next to one another."

When I take a long drag, he continues, numbly "Yesterday, I was a husband and a father. Now, I'm nothing."

He starts to walk off, but I stop him by calling out "Just because they're gone, doesn't mean you're not something." he turns back and I shrug "Just because my mum is dead, doesn't mean I'm not her son."

He shakes his head "I'll never get to see my daughter graduate high school, or marry someone. I'm as much of a father as you are."

"What makes you think I don't have kids?" I ask, a hint of snark in the comment.

He looks me over and states "For starters, you're holding Ferrari keys. I don't see a car seat anywhere in your future."

I furrow my brow and state "They're my friend's dad's keys." I take a long drag and he gocks "You're right. I'm not a dad."

"Loki!" Natasha screams as she runs up to me "I'm going with you. There's something I need to talk to you about."

The guy scoffs "Is this your girlfriend?"

"No." I furrow my brow, before remark "My boyfriend is in there, getting stitched up by my incestuous father." he takes in a shakey breath and I shrug "Life is life." I read his visitor badge "Thanos."

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