Chapter 47

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It took until Friday, before I felt like I wouldn't feel hopeless for the rest the rest of my life.

I got a boner on Saturday. Didn't tell Thor, but I got a boner. I didn't tell anyone, other than Fandral, because he was sitting next to me. He made some joke about how he misses being a teenager, because he used to walk around his, all-male, private school, with a hard on every two seconds.

And now I'm telling Natasha. Not because I felt I needed to. Fandral walked in on his way out for his Sunday run and mentioned it.

"Have you told Thor?" she asks as we sit on my bed, gossiping like school girls. Thor and the guys are downstairs, watching American football.

Don't get me wrong, I understand sports, so does Natasha. My favorite is cricket. Natasha's is any type of fighting, which is mainly why she watches hockey.

I shake my head "I'm sure he would have sex with me, but I doubt he would get through it without worrying if it'll knock my brain back into mania."

She gocks "That's a vivid image." I hum, before she shrugs "I think you should just blow him."

I give a perplexed look "If I'm horny, why would I give him a blowjob? That kinda defeats the purpose of giving him one."

She shrugs, before explaining "Make him want you." she shakes her hand and clarifies "I mean really want you."

I hum, before asking "Have you gone down on Bruce?" she shakes her head and I ask "What, is he uncircumcised?"

She shakes her head "We've only slept together a couple of times. He gets off by getting me off, so he goes down on me a lot." she gives a confused look "Is Thor uncircumcised?"

"He's got his fore skin." I state, before nodding "When I first saw it, I thought he probably doesn't wash it very well, but it's pretty clean."

She scrunches her nose "I haven't seen a guy that's uncircumcised. Would you mess with it?"

I lick my lips, before declaring "I mess with Thor's." she gives a confused scoff, before I clarify "It drives him mad when I get my tongue under there. He loves it?"

"Loves what?" Thor asks as he walks into the room, to ask "The game is almost over, do you want to watch a movie?"

Natasha smirks "I'll go pick out a movie." she walks out, closing the door in the process.

Thor gives a confused look "That was as subtle as a hand gun. What were you two talking about?"

I pat the bed beside me and order "Come over here?" he crawls up from the bottom of the bed and flips to lay on his back.

"What's up?" he asks as I mess with his hair "How are you feeling today? Any better?"

I bite my lip "I'm feeling very pretty good." When I kiss him, he hums, before I explaining, seductively "Natasha and I were talking about blowing a guy with fore skin."

He gives a smug hum, before asking "Oh yeah? What did you tell her?"


When we walk down the stairs, Fandral leans against the back of the couch and asks "You use a condom?"

Thor gives an embarrased look, before walking towards the kitchen. I pat his arse as he walks away "Did that little thing I told Natasha about. I do more with my tongue than smooth talk."

"You're silver-tongued." Fandral states, before asking "What, did he blow before you could get your pants undone?"

I press my lips into a fine line and give a high pitched "Yeah." They all snicker as Thor walks out of the kitchen.

Tony walks forward and pats Thor's shoulder "Did he catch you by surprise, Thor?"

He glares at me in embarrassment induced anger "You told them?" I nod with a smirk and he gives a pissy grovel.

"Thor, it's not that big of a deal." I declare, before hugging his waist "Maybe you'll last a little longer, next time."


After school on Monday, Frigga sent us to the store for a few things. Toilet paper, lentils, rice, stuff like that.

Everyone insisted that I leave my scooter in the car as we go into the store. This lead to us running through the store with my fat arse in a basket.

When we've got fifty rolls of toilet paper, fifty pounds of both rice and lentils, and seven teenager acting like fools, we come to a stretching stop as a basket moves out into the alleyway.

As my hair covers my face, I laugh as the others stop. When I move the hair out of my face, my laughter cuts off, immediately.

In his cart, are cases of Rolling Rock, and bottles of Jim Beam. On top of them, are microwave dinners.

Laufey stares at me, emotionlessly, before I hop in the basket "Come on, mom is probably waiting on us!"

Thor quickly wheels around Laufey's basket and towards the register. Once we're far enough away, Thor asks "Did you do that to fuck with him?"

I shrug "The excited jumping, yes. Mom really is waiting on us." He gives a pleased smirk as Laufey lines up behind us "What are we doing for Carol's birthday?"

"Bonfire." Thor states, before shrugging "Father is getting a pool heater so we can go for a swim."

I hum, before remarking "I'll be joining next month." He snickers, before reaching into the cooler and grabbing a soda.

He motions towards the cooler "Want one?"

"Can't." I state and he gives a confused look "Caffeine." he sighs and I nod "Yeah, you should see how I react to alcohol."

Tony reaches over to the CD's and grabs one "Loki, don't you like Marilyn Manson?"

When I nod, he hands it over and I declare "I would give him a blowjob if he asked. The man is a god."

Thor gocks and tosses it on the conveyor belt as we get closer to the one register that's open "I feel like you're slightly obsessed with him."

"Only slightly?" Barton asks and I mockingly laugh with him, before flipping him off.

"Well, personally I think you like the fact that he's twice your age." Banner declares "Major league daddy issues."

Natasha elbows him hard, before motioning toward Laufey. Banner turns back and declares "That was ironic."

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