Chapter 46

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I was able to finish all of my French work before English. During second, third, and fourth period, I stayed in French and worked my arse off.

In English, they had a free day, so I stuck my head down and worked my arse off even more. The only reason I stopped, was because Thor forced me to eat lunch.

I stayed in Fury's room during his sixth period class to finish my work in there. At the end, I still had a few minutes to talk to him "Rumors about you have been all of the school." he states, before he starts writing "I know a lot of it is bull, but is any of it true?"

"What's being said?" I ask.

He motions towards my leg "You really get hit by a car?" I press my lips into a fine line and nod "Shit, man."

I show him the bottom of my foot and explain "Hints why Hela Odinsdottir drew this on my foot." I shrug "It was just hard enough to knock me on my arse. Broke the leg on a pipe."

He hums, before handing over a paper "Mark out what isn't true." I take the paper and read it to myself.

"1 Rehab, 2 Mexican Cartel, 3 Cutter, 4 Suicide Attempt, 5 Heroin, 6 Accidental Overdose, 7 Killed Robber, 8 Knew Robber, 9 Psych Eval."

I furrow my brow and ask "Who the fuck came up with the Mexican cartel?" he shrugs and I scribble it out.

I write "six weeks, Nevada" next to number one. Mark out number two. Mark out number three. Write "(2) see number six" next to four. Mark out "accidental" in six. Write "rehab roommate" next to eight. Next to nine, I write "bipolar 1, on mood stabilizers and antidepressants."

He takes it back and reads it over in shock "Really?" I hum and he sighs "Shit, kid, that sucks."

I nod, before shrugging "My cousin is in town, and he has the same issue." he gives a confused look and I state "Number nine." he nods and I continue "He's helping me get stabile footing. His was way worse then mine."

I think for a second, before shrugging "Then again, he didn't do number four." I make it look casual as I lift my sleeve, ever so slightly.

He sighs and declares "Jesus, kid, how long ago was that?"

"Friday before last." I state as the bell rings "My cousin landed Friday." As the kids file out of the room, I ask "Did I miss anything else?"

He shakes his head and I stand up "Loki?" I turn back to him and he states "My fourth period is free, if you want somewhere to sit without getting pressed to talk." He leans in and states "Or just want to play with Goose."

I furrow my brow "You bring your cat to work?" he nods, before pulling out away from his desk and pointing towards the cat hole.

A orange, three legged, cat, stares up at me and I nod "I'll see you tomorrow, Nicholas." he gives an unamused look and I smirk "I'm bipolar. Let me have something to make me smile."

As I wheel around, he calls out "Loki?" I look back to him and he nods "If anyone can handle that, it's you."

I smile weakly, before wheeling out to meet Thor in the hall "How much did you finish?" he asks as we wheel down the hall.

"I'm done." I state and he gives an amused look "My guess is that I get a GPA of 5.0, by the end of the year."

He stares at me in amazement, before asking "Do you realize how sexy I find that?" I furrow my brow and he smiles "All I'm saying is, when your ready, we're going to have the most mind-blowing sex."

I scoff, before wheeling down a ramp to get to the art wing. When we get to ceramics, Thor asks "How are you going to...?"

He leads off as the teacher walks over. She leads us out of the room and whispers to me "You and Mister Odinson will be working together, for the rest of the year."

"Thor could use some work on the pottery wheel, and you could gloss his work!" she smiles, before making sure nobody is listening in "It's just, I know that you probably don't want everyone to see your scars. I'll give you fifty extra credit points, each, if your work gets out of the kiln. Usually it a hundred."

I look to Thor "You good with that?" he nods and I do the same "Let's get to work, then."

As Thor sits down at the wheel, he asks "What were you and Fury talking about?"

"Everything." I state and he gives a concerned look "I'm going to start hanging out there in fourth period, to play with his cat." Thor hums, before I ask "Have you seen my phone?"

He furrows his brow "You can't find it?" I shake my head and he asks "How can you lose it? You remember everything."

I shrug "It's my meds." He cocks his eyebrow to me and I state "I was so doped up, I couldn't even remember the last thing I ate."

He throws the speckled clay as he asks "Will you forget stuff when your meds are adjusted?"

I give an unsure look, before admitting "I don't really know." He gives an amazed look and I ask "What?"

He shakes his head and states "I've never seen you unsure about anything."

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