Chapter 18

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When I get home, Carol asks "Now can you tell me what you were doing?" She crosses her arms in front of her like a worried mum.

I sigh, before declaring "I'll give you 20k if you leave me alone about it." she gives a confused look and I dig into my bag. When I slam 20k into her hand, I scoff "Good night."

"Did you rob a bank?" she asks and I roll my eyes "How did you get this money? Did you rob someone?"

"It's my money." I state, before remarking "The watches and jewelry on the other hand..." she cocks an eyebrow and I sigh "I'm going to bed."

When I'm alone in my room, I sink down onto the floor as the tears start to fall.


After my fifth shower, I walk away feeling more filthy than before. By the time I lay my head on a pillow, dawn peeks through my window.

An hour later, I can't get to sleep. Silently, I grab a fag that I bought last night and open my window.

It isn't until I've smoked five fags that I'm calm enough to lay back down. Not fifteen minutes later, I'm asleep.

I'm awaken by the sounds of a phone keyboard. I know for a fact that Thor is texting someone.

In annoyance, I turn over and he smiles "Good morning." I snatch his phone from him and open the door, throwing it into his room "Hey!"

When he goes to retrieves it, I lock the door and go back to laying in bed. After a few hours, Frigga knocks on my door "Loki, darling! Lunch!"

Hesitantly, I roll out of bed and swing the door open. In my pajamas, I stomp down the stairs to find everyone laughing about something.

When I take a seat, Thor furrows his brow "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed, this morning."

I glare at him, before slumping in my chair as Frigga places a plate in front of me. As I fork my food around the plate, everyone talks.

"We should probably head out after this." Natasha states "We've got school tomorrow and I haven't written my essay, yet."

Thor scoffs "Did you know that Loki is our valedictorian? He's got a GPA of 4.1 or something."

They gock and Frigga asks "Are you okay, Loki? You haven't touched your food."

I place my fork down and declare "I'm a bit ill." With that, I stand and head back to my room.

When I get back, I lay in bed and curl into a ball. Not five minutes later, Carol walks in and puts the 20k on the nightstand "You need to tell me were you went last night."

She sits on the ground, next to my bed side. Silently, I just feel under my pillow and pull out the letter.

When I give it to her, she reads it, before asking "Is this your mother's?" I give a dead hum and she frowns "Hela told me that your father wouldn't give it to you."

I give her a knowing look and she sighs "You went back over there, didn't you?" When I don't reply, she sighs "What, did he break your ribs so you broke into his safe?"

"He broke me." I state and she gives a confused look, before I repeat "He BROKE me." her face goes stern and I turn over.

After a long moment, she stands up and sighs "I'll be right back." She closes the door and I hear her going downstairs as the front door opens.

About two minutes later, I hear the door close and Thor, Hela, and Carol on the stairs. They walk into Hela's room. No doubt, Carol is telling them everything.

Not even a minute later, Thor opens my door with a look of complete worry and pity. It hurts to look at it.

I sling the comforter over my face and Thor sighs "Oh, baby." He crawls in bed and lifts the comforter off of me as the girls sit on the foot of the bed "Is it true?"

I sigh, before sitting up and declaring "Yeah, okay?" He gives me a pitiful look and I punch him in the shoulder "Don't look at me like that!"

He gives a weak smile, before asking "Well, are you alright?" I shake my head and he asks "Can I do something? Kill Laufey?"

"No." I state, before shrugging "He's a surgeon. He might be a world class prick, but it'll come back to bite me in arse."

Thor scoffs, before asking "What couple come back to bite you in the ass?" I bite my lip and he furrows his brow "What did you do?"

Hesitantly, I grab my bag and empty it out on the bed, causing Thor to look in shock "What, did you raid his safe?" Hela asks.

I nod, before clearing my throat "After I took an axe to the kitchen table, the living room telle, and his bedroom door."

Hela and Carol scoff and Thor asks "Is that where it happened?" I cock an eyebrow to him and he asks "His bedroom?"

I shack my head and he nods in relief, before I furrow my brow "It uhh..." I clear my throat and state "I was tied to the kitchen table."

He sighs and I start to put the cash back. After a minute, Hela snags my mum's wedding ring and declares "This is a rock."

"It was my mum's." I state and she hands it over "I don't know. I'll probably pawn it off. It's not like I'll need it."

Carol furrows her brow "I'll gives you 20k for it." I hand it to her and she takes Hela's hand, sliding it onto her finger "A beautiful ring for a beautiful woman."

Hela shakes her head and insists "We can't take this from him."

I scoff, before declaring "It's not like my mum is going to need it! She's six feet under, and sharing needles with Kurt Cobain! And all she left me was a 'woe-is-me' suicide note that I damn near got killed retrieving!"

They look taken aback by my outburst, before Thor asks "What else happened last night? Besides the obvious."

I sip my bag and toss it on the ground, before stating "Got a bloody bat taken to the back of my head. Got a lump and everything."

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