Chapter 36

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As I hobble towards the exit, I notice Laufey staring in utter disbelief. Without looking like it's obvious, I turn around to look to Frigga with a smile "So much for a morning run."

She shrugs "It only means that you get an extra hour of sleep, every morning for the next month."

Odin snickers, before joking "Thor will probably wake you up, anyway. That boy complains more about morning wood, than most lumberjacks."

I roll my eyes, before nonchalantly stating "He won't be complaining about that for a while, you know."


When we get back to the house, Odin grabs the adoption papers and states "I'm going to go submit these. I'll be back in about an hour."

I give a weak smile, before grabbing a knife to chop up an apple. Once I'm done, I put the knife down as slowly chew my apple.

Not a minute later, there's a knock on the door and I hear Frigga asks "Did you forget something, dear?"

She opens the door and asks "Hello?"

I hear a familiar voice speak "Where's the money, bitch?" I recognize the voice instantly. He was my rehab roommate.


He was hooked on krokodil. A drug famous in Europe. My friends call it the cursed drug, because it makes the user look like a zombie. It mimics herion, only it's much cheap for that reason. Malikith, for instance, has black scales on one side of his unpigmented face.

Silently, I move the knife towards the doorway and hobble my way towards the door. When I get there, Malikith is already inside, holding a gun to Frigga.

"Malikith?" I ask and his gun gets placed to me "You using again?" his hands are shakey and I can see track marks on his arm "Man, what are you doing? This isn't you."

His face goes pensive and he grabs hold of his gun with both hands "You know nothing about me, Loki!"

I give a doubting look, before leaning against the doorframe and stating "You went through the same program I did. You knew everything about me, and I, you."

His hands tremble and I doubt he'd be able to shoot me from there as he repeats "Where's the money?"

"Did you hit me with your car?" I ask and he fidgets, ready for another fix, which he probably doesn't have "You want money for more Krok?"

"Where is it?" he asks as I give an amused look "Give me the fucking money, or I'll shoot you! I will!"

"What about your brother?" I ask and he furrows his brow in withdrawal induced confusion "Or your sisters? Why would you do this to them? You were two months sober!"

"That place!" he cries out and I set my jaw "They took our brains and they unstrung it, shoved it back in and fried it! Showed us all dead bodies! Real dead bodies!"

I take a moment, before reminding "You knew what you signed up for!" he shakes his head and I point out "You signed up for watching that fucked up shit, okay? That's what we needed to stop! Know that you'd end up like your friend, or me, my mum! That's what we turn into!"

He shakes his head as tears come to his eyes "I didn't sign up for hold a brain in my hands, or being forced to-"

I press my lips into a fine line and ask "Inject the corpse or yourself?" He shakes his head and I scoff "Don't act like you've never seen a dead body before, Malikith!"

He cocks the hammer as he cries "You were always so heartless! Why were you so heartless?"

I grip the knife in hand and shrug "I think people need to learn what I do. Shut off their emotions when they need to get something done. Leave the sorrow bitching and moaning for when you can lick your wounds."

"That's not normal!" He cries out and I give an amused look "You walk through life, numb! Even in recovery! But when you let yourself feel, and all the bad shit comes crashing down, you'll relapse!"

"Doubtful." I smirk, before joking "Who knows. Maybe I'm bipolar." I scoff as he step me "I'd probably be type 1, not 2. I run an awful lot."

The gun is only a foot away from my face when he orders "Tell me where the money is! I'll shoot!"

I motion towards the study and he looks over, just long enough for me to knock the gun out of his hands and jab the knife into his shoulder.

I push past him and slide towards the gun, which lays next to the door. By the time I get it, Malikith holds the knife to Frigga's throat.

"Tell me or she's dead!" he hisses and I look to Frigga in worry, before nodding.

"The safe is in the study." I tell him and he asks for the code "I don't know the code!" I insist and he nudges Frigga.

She takes a moment, before admitting "0803048788"

"What kind of pas-" he's cut short by Frigga breaking his nose with the back of her head and twisting his arm away.

When he pulls his hand away from his nose to find blood, he growls "I'm going to kill you, cunt!"

He takes one step to her, knife raised, and I pull the trigger.

Red sprays onto the wall behind him and he drops to the floor, dead. A bullet wound in his temple.

When I sit up, Frigga rushes to my aid. My hearing is fuzzy and I can't focus on anything but the corpse on the ground.

Frigga takes the gun from me and places it on the entry way table, before giving me a shake "Darling, are you alright?" she asks.

My sight doesn't slip from the growing pool of blood as I speak, emotionlessly "I killed someone."

She hugs me to her as she pulls out her phone and calls the cops.

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