Chapter 40

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I know where I am, before I even open my eyes. The mechanical beeping gives it away, along with that burning disinfectant.

When I open my eyes, I find the Odinson family in my room. The don't really notice me as they continue their conversation.

Thor sighs "I don't know where he got it! I searched his bag last night! He was dead set on staying clean!"

"Laufey." I state and they look my way in concern, before I ask "I assume you mean the smack?"

"Yeah." Thor states, before moving closer to me "Did you use?"

"No." I scoff, before laying my head back and sighing "Let me guess, seventy-two hour psych evaluation?"

"Oh yeah." Hela states and I look down at my wrist to find them bandaged. When I put my head back, he pats my foot "We'll get you better."

I scoff, before asking "Better?" he nods and I cock my eyebrows up to gock "There is no better!"

Thor takes my hand and I knock him away. He doesn't take it seriously as he states "It's been years since your last attem-"

I cut him off with a laugh, causing all of them to look at me in concerned disbelief. I look at them, comically "Only idiots accidentally overdose!"

Carol furrows her brow and asks "You tried to kill yourself?"

I shrug and remark "Thought the third time would be the charm." I shake my head "Guess I was wrong."

Thor looks at me in utter disbelief "You are absolutely insane." he speaks, breathlessly and stiffly.

I snicker at him "You just realized that?" I set my jaw in hatred, before asking "Do the others know?"

Frigga nods, before explaining "They're in the waiting room. It's three in the morning. You've been out for ten hours."

I hum "A record." I joke, before ordering "Get them in here. I won't see them for the next three days."

It takes about ten minutes for them to be brought into my room. But when they're there, they pound me with questions.

"What's going to happen to you?" Tony asks as he crosses his legs at the foot of my bed. Steve sits next to him.

I shrug and explain "They'll pump me full of pills that'll give me horrid side effects, after the examination. Misdiagnosis is a given. Watch my life under a microscope."

Natasha, who sits next to me, asks "What do you think they'll diagnose you with?" She messes with my hair, with is frizzy and curly.

I hold out my hand and count of "I've been diagnosed as: narcissistic personality disorder, bipolar 2, clinical depression, DID, couple other things." I look at her and shrug "Nothing ever stuck."

"Really?" Barton asks as he shares the couch with Banner "Well, what do you think you'll get diagnosed with?"

I think for a second, before shrugging "PTSD." they give a weak smile and I sigh, before messing with the tape on the edge of my bandage "I just want to say..." I set my jaw "I've never really had any friends... I mean I have Fandral, but I never really saw his friends as mine."

I shake my head and continue "I'm getting away from the point." they look at me curiously, before I declare "I love you guys, and I'm sorry that I've put you guys through hell."

Steve smiles "We love you, too." He nudges my foot "Don't worry about it. You're family, no matter what."

As I continue to pick at the tape, Thor grabs my arm gingerly and orders "Stop! You're going to pop your stitches!"

I furrowing my brow, before shoving him off of me "Go fuck yourself, Thor! I'm allergic to medical adhesives."

"You're allergic to everything." Banner remark and I grunt something that resembles a yeah, before peeling back my bandage to get a little look.

My eyes bulge at the sight of the stitches and blood, and gash. I press the bandage down and shake my head "I shouldn't have done that."

Thor nods as he rests him arm on my thigh "The nurse said you might feel a bit nauseous, because of the meds."

I scoff at that "You know me. I've always got the shit-stick when it comes to side effects." he scoffs and I squint to look at the clock "It's four, already?"

Thor checks his watch and nods, before Barton asks "What time are they taking you in, any way? Like nine? Ten?"

"They move him at eight." Thor states, before shrugging "They won't admit him into the psych ward until nine."


It's a quarter to nine. We sit outside the psych ward as the nurses switch shifts. The amount of times we've referenced Dolly, is of the charts.

When they finally call my name, I step out of my wheel chair and up to the desk. The nurse looks me over, before tapping a signature line with her pen "Sign here, regarding your understanding that you are not allowed out for the next seventy-two hours."

Silently, I sign and she pulls it away. She hands over a bag and asks "Any personal items?" I shake my head and she takes it back, before nodding towards the admit door "Step up to the door when you're ready."

I take a deep breath, before glancing at the white metal fence door. A guard stands behind it, ready to open it for me.

"Well, this brings back some memories." I sigh as I turn to my family. They give a confused look and I motion towards the door "I was here when I was eight. This is where I met Drax."

"Really?" Tony asks and I hum in recognition "It would be funny if you got the same room, too, huh?"

I shrug "Cosmic irony, coming around to bite me in the arse."

I give my friends hug, receiving a kiss on the cheek from Natasha. When I get to Carol and Hela, they hug me and Hela whispers in my ear "I'll punch you in the dick if you hurt yourself, again."

Odin hugs me and whispers "Go get better, son."

Frigga kisses my forehead and reminds me "I love you."

When I get to Thor, he holds he in his arms. He gives me a passionate kiss, before insisting "No matter what, you are the love of my life. Whatever diagnosis."

I give a weak smile, before pecking his lips "Three days, and these douchebags will discover there's nothing wrong with me."

He gives a doubting look, before nodding "You're perfectly fine." I smile at him before stepping up to the gate.

The guard opens it and I step in. Once he shuts it, they walk up to the door and lean on it.

They give worried look, so I sigh "Guys, I love you! But stop acting like you're never gonna see me again! It's just three days!"

The Class Clown- Thorki Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now