Chapter 41

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Three days pass with no sleep, shitty food, and my roommate talking to a wall. Currently, I sit in the shrinks office. His doctorates degree read Stephen Strange.

He flips through his papers, before asking "How do you feel, this morning?" I cock my eyebrow to him and he explains "Sluggish, tired at all?"

I rest my head on my fist and declare "I feel completely fine." He nods, before writing something down.

He taps his pen on his papers, before stating "The orderlies said you were exercising at night." I furrow my brow and he points out "Sit-ups, push-ups, side-crunches."

I set my jaw, understanding what he's getting at. He continues "Your boyfriend says that, since you've been back from rehab, you've reached double digits of sexual acts. You've had major mood swings. You haven't slept much at home, either. You're renovating the house and reorganizing books. Said that you were going to work on your motorcycle, took it completely apart, and never finished."

"I broke my leg." I remind and he writes something down "Look, I know what you're getting a-"

He cuts me off, by asking "How many miles where you forced to run, in your recent rehabilitation facility?"

I set my jaw and look at him in hatred "Three miles."

"And how much would you run?" he asks and I take in a breath.

I glare at him and insist "I'm no-"

"How many miles would you run?" he asks and I set my jaw.

Finally, I admit "I ran until they forced me to stop." he gives a curious look and I shrug "Ten, fifteen."

He nods, before looking my way "I'm going to bring your family in. We'll talk. Decide the best course of action."

He stands and walks towards the door. When he opens it, my adopted family steps in and give me pitiful looks as they struggle to fit into the tiny room.

Thor stands behind me as Strange takes a seat "How are you doing?" Carol asks and I shrug.

The doctor taps his papers again, before stating "My professional diagnosis for Loki is bipolar one, depression."

I can hear Thor sigh, as he grips my shoulders "What does that mean? What meds is he going to be on?"

The doctor pulls out a couple of trial meds "I'm going to start you on Lithium, but we're going to give you several medications to get your disorder under control."

He hands the meds over to Frigga and explains "He will probably sleep through most of the next three days, while he's on those medications."

As Frigga puts the meds in her purse, he continues "The lithium should be ready, sometime tomorrow. If he has a bad reaction, we'll start him on something else."

He holds his hand up and insists "Bad reactions like blackouts and urine retention. Not the lack of an erection, or pleasure. You'll get through that, in time."

I set my jaw as he points out "If he starts acting manic, up his dosage and tell his therapist." My family nods and he asks "Any questions?" they shake their heads and he looks to me "Loki, you've been quiet. Are you alright?"

I scoff at him and they all look my way. I sneer at him and remark "If you're wrong, I take the meds, I get even worse, and I end up in here, again. If your right, I take the meds, get better. I'll know I'm nuts."

The doctor gives a weak smile, before stating "You're a smart kid. You know exactly what to say to contradict my diagnosis."

I furrow my brow and scoff "Let's get one thing perfectly clear. I'm not contradicting your diagnosis. I don't agree with it." I sigh, before admitting "Most bipolar people don't agree with their diagnosis. Neither do people who are misdiagnosed." I shrug "Time will tell."

The doctor nods, before declaring "I think it would be best to hospitalize you, while we adjust your meds, but you've made it painfully clear that you'd rather do it at home."

Odin looks at me, nervously "Are you sure you're ready for that? Doing all of this at home?"

I shrug and explain "Home is where I can look out a window with no bars. Or get a breath of fresh air. Or sleep in my own bed. Or see people who I actually like." he gives a concerned look and I insist "I can't be in this place another night."


When we get home, I pull off my jacket and hobble towards the kitchen. Once I get a glass of water, I turn to Frigga "Give me the pills."

Frigga takes them out of her bag and gives me three different pills. Silently, I roll them in my hand, before she asks "Are you going to take them?"

I take a gulp of water, before dumping in the pills and swallowing. When I put the glass down, I ask "You think I'm nuts?"

She looks at me, lovingly, before moving the hair out of my face "I think you're bipolar." I give a discouraging look, before she shrugs "But I don't think you're insane."

Thor walks in and states "Banner has DID." I give a confused look and he explains "He was in detention fifteen times in our freshman year, because his split personality was flipping desks."

"What stressed it?" I ask and he gives a confused look "DID usually stems from childhood trauma."

"Oh!" Thor thinks for a second, before shrugging "I think his dad. His dad was abusive to his mom. Slapped her around one too many times. She shot him when he was seven."

I give a shocked look and he continues "It's under control, now. For the past year." He thinks for a second, before gocking "We had some messed up childhoods, didn't we?"

I hum, before asking "How badly did you rip up my room? Think I could take a bath before I pass the fuck out?"

Thor and Frigga share a look, before Frigga orders "If you're going to take a bath, Thor's there with you."

I give a weak smile, before hobbling towards the stairs.

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