Chapter 34

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It's Mid-February by the time I park in the driveway again. The afternoon sun burns my neck when I take off my helmet. Silently, I wheel it into the garage and enter the house.

"Hello?" I call out, getting no reply. My watch reads fifteen past four. With a shrug, I walk into the kitchen, put down my bag, and chomp into an apple.

As I silently chew my apple, the front door opens and I can hear my friends laughing. Nervously, I put the apple down and look over to find them in the foyer.

"I don't know, Steve!" Thor howls, before nudging him "I think Peggy has a thing for your scrawny ass!"

The laughter falls short when they notice me. Thor is the last to notice. When he does, I can see the light drain from his eyes.

I give a weak smile, before stepping forward and crossing my arms. He furrows his brow and states "I thought you dead."

I give an apologetic look "I needed some time." he scoffs and I shrug "If it's an help, I've been sober since December 31st."

"That makes it worse!" he insists, before his eyes go crystal clear "I called you! Like seven hundred times!"

"Eight hundred and fifty-nine." I tell him and he gives an annoyed grunt "I knew that if I answered, I'd be back here immediately." I shake my head as a tear rolls down his face "I was getting help. Real help."

He furrow his brow "And you couldn't tell me that, before you left?" I shake my head and he screams in anger "I thought you were laying in a ditch, Loki! I thought you overdosed!"

A tear slides down my face and I press my lips into a fine line. I take a shakey breath, before explaining "The rehab I was in, it wasn't conventional. I was running at 2AM in the middle of a desert, and basically being tortured."

He gives a confused look, before asking "Why the fuck would you do that to yourself? Where were you?"

I shrug "Nevada." he gulps and I explain "I couldn't get better, until I saw you when I thought of H."

"Me?" He asks and I nod.

"For eight hours a day, I sat in front of a screen, staring at photos of dead bodies." I state and he gives a pitiful look "And in between those photos, there were photos of the people you love." Tears stream down my face and I shrug "Then you would go to bed with those images ingraved into your skull. That's how your loved ones would find you, if you relapsed."

"Jesus." he whispers and I hum, before he asks "How did you find that place?"

"Heimdall told me about those rehabs being shut down." I state and he scoffs "Wasn't hard to find one."

Thor shakes his head, before hugging me to him and whispering "I'm glad you're home." he kisses my shoulder and we stay there for a moment.

Finally, I sigh "Thor, I'm sorry, but I've been on a bike for fourty hours. I just got in. I need to take a piss."

He releases me and takes my hand, before insisting "I'm coming with you."

I look towards my friends and ask "You coming, too?" they nod and we all walk upstairs.

As I take my piss, Natasha asks "So, you've been clean since 2005?"

I nod, before stating "No: Horse, Nicotine, or Sex, since I left." a smile creeps across Thor's face and I ask "You got someone else? It's been awhile since I left."

He shakes his head "My mind has been on you, an awful lot." I hum as I zip my pants and he presses my hips to his.

I bite my lip and joke about his erection "I think you've been thinking with your downstairs mind."

Instantly, our friends clear out and Thor picks me up by my thighs as I squill.


When we walk downstairs, Frigga and Odin stand next to our sitting friends. Their eyes are teary and they give me a longing look, before pulling me towards them.

As I hug them back, a tear rolls down my face. When they pull away from me, Frigga wipes my face and exclaims "Your hair has gotten so long!"

I give a weak hum, before shrugging "It's been awhile since I cut it."

She scoffs, before Odin pats my shoulder "We've been worried about you, son." I nod and he shrugs "What made you run off? Was it the adoption papers?"

I shake my head, before shrugging "I can't even begin to explain what I was thinking when I opened that document." they give a weak smiles, before I continue.

"I mean, I look at Thor and find that he's a star athlete, who would have got a full ride to Hudson. Hela, who's a fierce woman in college. Carol, who's nineteen and already a captain in the Air Force." I scoff, before pointing towards myself "I'm a junky with more scars on his body than virgin skin." I give a weak scoff, before asking "Why would anyone want me if they already had two amazing biological children?"

Odin frowns his brow, before pointing out "Thor punches his way through every confrontation. Hela, she's ten pounds of trust issues in a five pound sack. You're incredibly smart, and talk yourself out of almost everything. You're devilishly handsome and a resourceful little bastard."

I furrow my brow, before Frigga picks up the envelope and hands it to me with a pen "It's your choice, love. We'll understand if you don't sign."

I take the file out and read it, before clearing my throat "Give me a moment to really think it over."

They nod and I step back to the stairs, only Frigga asks "When did you eat last? You're looking a bit thin."

"I ate an apple when I got back." I state and she furrows her brow "Before that, a little restrant in Pittsburgh. Sevenish hours ago."

She gocks "You must be starving, love!" she charging into the kitchen and insists "I'll make you a snack."

She stops only to kiss my cheek, before turning back towards the kitchen.


As I pace around my room, Thor asks "What are you thinking about?" he lays on my deshabilled linens, which were perfect, not an hour ago.

Our friends were tasked with reorganizing the books. The disorder was messing with my head.

"If I sign those papers, I'm an Odinson. I'm, by law, your brother." I explain, before scoffing "That's some back-woods bullshit."

"You could still get married." Tony states, before shrugging "After gay marriage is made legal..."

"Who's talking about marriage?" I ask and Thor cocks his eyebrow to me "What brings that up?"

"Oh, so you wouldn't marry me?" Thor asks and I look at him in disbelief, before his serious face turns into a smile "I would marry you if it was legal."

I give a confused look "You would?" he nods and I wave it off "Never mind, if I don't sign, the state could pluck me at any time."

I stop in my tracks and click the pen, before picking up the file and marching down the stairs.

When I find Frigga and Odin in the kitchen, I slam the file down and ask "Are you wanting to adopt me out of pity?"

They share a look, before Frigga states "We're doing this because we love you. We want you to have the best in this life."

I take in a deep breath, before giving a short nod and flipping the pages and signing the blank space and printing my name.

The Class Clown- Thorki Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now