Chapter 30

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By four, I tremble uncontrollably as Thor's SUV parks outside. A wave of nausea washes over me as I see Odin and Hela stepping out of the car.

When they walk up to the door, they knock and Laufey calls out "It's open!" they step through, with Hela holding a gun up.

As Odin steps up behind Laufey, he places the form down as Hela holds the gun to Laufey, causing him to gock "I'll sign it. Just keep your cunt in line."

We're silent as he signs the paper. Once he's done, he flips the page and hums "Your friends set you up to emancipate yourself."

He skims through it, before turning it to me and tapping the adolescent signature line "Sign there."

Silently, I take it from him and read it, before signing it. Once I'm done, I stand and try to walk past him, only he grabs my jacket and pulls me down to whisper in my ear "Five mils should do the trick."

The gun cocks and Laufey and I share a look, before he releases me. Silently, I walk out of the house and crawl into the backseat of the SUV.

When they get into the front, they turn to me "What did he do to you?" Hela asks as she takes the bullets out of her gun "Cause I'll go back and shoot him in the face."

I look over to the house to find Laufey sits in the same position "Just the lip." I state and they give a concerned look "It's half past four. If we hurry, we could file those papers, today."


As we park, I ask "Either one of you have ten bucks on you?" they give a confused look and I motion towards the convenient store across the street "I could use a fag."

Odin furrows his brow, before pulling out his wallet and forking over a twenty "Only because you saw your father today." I start to take it, before he orders "Get yourself something to eat and drink, too."

I nod, before we part ways. Inside the gas station, I grab a banana, a powerade. The cashier gives me a weird look, but doesn't card me.

When I get back, I light my fag and take a deep breath, before biting into the banana. I only eat half the banana, before vomiting into a bush.

About twenty minutes later, Odin and Hela walk out and Odin asks "What did you eat?" I hold up the banana casing, before tossing it towards the vomit "Couldn't keep it down?"

I shake my head, before closing the door.

By the time we get home, it's past six. When we step into the house, I find the living room packed with worried faces. Thor is not there.

I give a weak smile, before asking "Where's Thor?"

"We didn't tell him." Frigga states, before holding my hands in her head "What happened, darling?"

"Nothing." I whisper, before hugging myself to her. As I look over her shoulder, I find my friends, Fandral and his group, Drax and his, and Carol "I'm fine."

Frigga pats my back "You should eat something, darling. You look a bit pale."

I sniffle, before stating "I need a shower. Give me twenty minutes." I order and she nods, before I turn to the stairs.


Upstairs, I step into Thor's room to find him asleep. Silently, I kiss his forehead, before walking into mine.

After recovering my drugs, I duck into my bathroom and turn on my shower. Quietly, I pull out my noted and read them over, before ripping them in pieces.

With a scoff, I flush them down the toilet and turn to my drugs. Once I've filled my syringe, I pull of my jacket and tie a shoelace around my upper arm.

Emotionlessly, I pump the full syringe into my arm and untie the shoelace. I get one good look at my arm, before my body drops to the ground.


A beeping pounds in my head as I come too. Went my eyes finally open, I find I'm in the hospital. The room is crowded with people who look at me in pity.

"Hey." Thor whisper as moves the hair out of my face, a tear on his face "Why'd you do it, baby?"

I take in a deep breath, before looking down to find my trackmarks are exposed "Shit!" I whisper, before tossing my head back. I think of a lie, before gritting my teeth "I didn't think about the fact that I was in withdrawal."

"How long?" Drax asks and I shake my head "Have you been doing Horse since we were together?"

"Have you been fucking Mantis since we were together?" I ask and he looks taken aback, before I scoff "Don't be a fucking hypocrite."

"And you always said you'd never become your mother." Drax reminds and I set my jaw, before sliding out of bed and pulling my pole with me.

"What the fuck are you doing here, anyway?" I ask as I wheel over to him "You were never more to me than a slutty idiot that occasionally went down on me!"

Drax rubs his forehead, before pointing out "You're only trying to pick a fight, because you're on drug, and you don't want to address it."

I set my jaw, before shrugging "Whatever. I'm emancipated. Nobody can hold my here. None of you!"

Natasha hums, before declaring "We thought you would say that. Unfortunately, you've already signed a form that forces you into medically induced withdrawal."

I cock my eyebrow to them and remark "No, I didn't." I think for moment, before sitting on the edge of the bed "But I signed the emancipation papers, and it had a scrap sheet below it. You copied my signature."

"I did." Nebula states and I scoff "You need help."

With a sigh, I know I've been defeated, so I ask "Did I check myself into a rehab suite, too, then?"

"That depends." Fandral states, before leaning forward on his knees "How long have you been using?"

I wheel my pole over to the meal desk and take a long drink of water, before asking "What time is it?"

"10PM." Carol tells me and I nod, before sitting down in bed.

"Day after Thor's accident." I tell them and they give mixed reactions "With Thor dying, and Laufey breathing down my neck, I just needed a break."

"Yeah, drugs are definately the way to go." Thor remarks and I sigh, before he gocks "That's a piss poor excuse, and you know it."

"What do you want me to say?" I ask and Thor sighs as I mock "I was having a nice day, chilling at the hospital, not knowing if you were going to live. Laufey was threatening to kill you, and my mind just wouldn't shut off."

When nobody responds, I ask "Who found me?"

"I did." Thor states and I set my jaw, before looking towards the ground "You were seizing, and foaming at the mouth."

Regretfully, I sit there and think about what could've happened to him. He's only a solid week post-op. His heart could've literally collapsed in on itself. And all I can say is "I'm sorry."

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