Chapter 6

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When we park in front of his house, I look over the large house and ask "How many bedrooms?"

"Four." he states, before pointing towards the balcony on the second floor "Hela and I share a bathroom and a balcony. There's three bathrooms and two washrooms."

I hum, before unbuckling my seat belt and stepped out of the car "Is Hela here?" he shakes his head and I frown "Why not?"

"She's going to stay at university this week." he states, before explaining "Her roommates are going to throw her a big, cock-filled, weekend extravaganza."

I scoff, before asking "And what do you have planned?" he shakes his head and I frown "No strip club?"

"Nah." he shrigs, before explaining "Just going to hang with my friends and watch a couple of movies that will most definately make my skin crawl at night."

I scoff, as we reach the door "Are you afraid of clowns, Thor?" he unconvincingly shakes his head and I smirk "It's alright to be afraid."

He gives a weak smile, before opening the door and screaming "Mom, I'm home! I've got a friend!"

He motions up the stairs, and we start up, only his mom yells back, sweetly "Which friend is it, darling?"

"The new one! Loki!" Thor calls back, before nodding me towards the kitchen "You know, the one that's allergic to water."

I give an unamused look as he lead me into the kitchen. A woman with long honey hair stands with her back to me. When she turns to me, she hugs me.

I stand, uncomfortablely, until she release me and declares "Nice to meet you." I smile weakly at here, before motioning towards the blender "I was making vegan cheese sauce. I think it's missing something. Give it a try?"

Thor scoffs as I taste it and ask "Mustard?" she snaps her fingers, before turning to the fridge "Apple cider vinegar?"

After adjusting the sauce, she looks to me "How do you feel about mac and cheese and veggie nuggets? Gluten free."

I scoff, before nodding "Sounds good."

She looks to Thor and asks "Is anyone else coming over?" Thor checks his phone, before nodding "Who?"

"Everyone." he states, before asking "Staying over, because we've got detention tomorrow." he glares at me.

She hums, before shoing us off "I still have to make veggie nuggets! Off you go!"

When we make it up to his room, I find rock band posters are plastered on the wall. My chemical romance, Nickelback, Marilyn Manson, Shinedown, Breaking Benjamin.

The shelf under the CD player holds dozens of CD's. My lips curl up in genuine delight at the collection "You rock?"

"Yeah." he smiles, before pulling off his shoes and crossing his legs on his bed "You can pick an album."

I squat down and look through the collection to find a Shinedown album. Leave a Whisper. When I put it in, the music hits my ears like a lullaby.

As I sit on Thor's bed and take off my shoes, he smiles "Is this the music you listen to?" I hum and he gocks "I thought you'd listen to Metallic or Ledd Zeppelin."

I look to him and tell him "I'm more emo than I am punk." he scoffs, before asking "Is it bright in here?"

I give a confused look, before realising he's talking about the door to the balcony "No, it's not bad."

He nods, before asking "Then can you take off the glasses?" I look down at his dark red comforter, before he shrugs "You don't have to, if you don't want."

Silently, I slip them off and he smiles "It'll take a week for the eyes to heal. The bruised eye will take awhile."

He shrugs, before declaring "You look better without them." I give a weak smile, before he motions towards the collar "That can't be comfortable."

"I like it." I lie and he gives a doubting look. Silently, I debate telling him the truth, before sliding my hands behind my hair, trying to unbuckle the choker.

Natasha and Barton step into the room and I jump. As soon as they see me, their faces go concerned and I put my glasses back on.

Natasha steps forward and takes my face in hand to examine the shiner as Barton asks "That happen today?"

"Yeah." Thor sighs, before asking "You guys good to sleep here next couple of days?" They nod and Thor suggests "We can watch the first movie tonight, second tomorrow, and have a bombfire on Sunday?"

"Beers and burgers?" Barton asks, before pointing my way "Or veggie burgers, in you and Banner's case."

"Beer has gluten." I remind and Barton groans "You're telling me."


At dinner, Frigga asks "What movie are you going to watch tonight?"

"IT." Thor states, before asking "Are you going to join us? Or are you too chicken?" he jokes, before sticking his tounge out at her.

She shrugs, before asking "Does anyone understand why IT is a clown? Why would anyone talk to a clown in the sewer?"

Thor looks to me and I hesitantly explain "The book was written when everyone trust a clown. It draws you in with charm. The clown doesn't look scary, because it wants to draw kids in and feed on their fear. If someone isn't scared of anything, it puts them into a comatose state and waits for them to be scared." I look down at the table and explain "Another metaphor for childhood. You'll stay in the tunnel until you fear something, then it will eat you. You may get out of the tunnel, but the tunnel will never leave you."

"It is a boggat." Steve remarks and I snicker "You know, like from the Harry Potter books?" I nod and he frowns "What would my boggat be?"

"You know who IT reminds me of?" Stark asks as I eat the last bit of my food "You remember that priest, like a decade ago?"

All life drains from me as he continues "Didn't they catch him molesting a boy from his parish?"

"What about it?" I ask, unable to stop myself. Everyone looks to me, before Stark continues running his mouth.

"He would be our age, about now." Stark states, before shaking his head "I just hope that he's doing alright."

Natasha gocks "How could anyone be alright after that?" When everyone looks to her, she declares "He's probably killed himself, poor kid."

I physically have to hold back tears, and Frigga sees it. She simply declares "If you kids are going to watch that movie, you should probably go take showers, now."

Everyone separates in groups of two, to claim a shower, but Frigga in I stay put. When they're gone, I start to collect the dishes, but she stops me "How about a cigarette?"


When we step outside, I light my fag as she leads me to the poolside chairs. She doesn't smoke, but I do.

"You're the boy." she states and I try to argue with her, but she silences me "It didn't take me long to put two and two together. It won't take them long, either."

I take a second, before wiping my eyes "I was hoping they would get five." she gives a weak smile and I ask "What pegged me?"

She hums, before explaining "When I hugged you, you couldn't hug me bag. You flinch when the boys grab you, but Natasha is fine." she gives a weak smile "And I could see the light leave your eyes when you heard Stark mention him."

I stare down at the pebble cement and state "I don't know if I can tell the others about it."

She takes my hand and I look at her for guidance. She tucks a hair behind my ear and states "They will only feel blessed, to have you share that with them. They will support you."

I give a doubting look and she nods "Because that's the type of person I raised my son to be, and that's who he chooses to be his friends."

The Class Clown- Thorki Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now