Chapter 24

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A few hours later, I sit in a diner, sipping a cup of coffee, when Natasha and Barton step in "Where the fuck have you been?" Barton howls.

"Busy." I state, before putting on my sunglasses "I can't drive." they cock their brows to me and I clear my throat "I slide my bike. Some arsehole nearly ran me over." I lie.

They look between one another, before Natasha nods "We'll load up your bike. Are you hurt?"

I shake my head, before declaring "I'm going to use the bathroom, I'll be right out." silently, I walk towards the bathroom as they walk outside.

In the bathroom, I use a razor blade to divvy up a line of skag. After snorting it, I stand and walk out.

When I reach the truck, they've already put my bike in the back. The junk is already messing with me as Barton asks "Want shotgun?"

I shake my head, before opening the back door "I'm going to nap for a while. Wake me up when we get to the hospital."

Because of traffic in NYC, we get to the hospital at noon. Natasha nudges me awake and I hum "Loki, wake up. We're at the hospital."

Groggily, I sit up and Barton asks "What were you doing in the city?" I gock and try to get out of the car, only the door won't budge "Child lock." 

I set my jaw and think for a second, before pointing out "My bank is in the city. They called about a possible fuck up in there system. Can we get out now?"

"Oh, so your bank is in Hunts Point?" Natasha asks and I sigh, before she reminds "Because that's were you were at."

"I wanted to see the water." I lie and they cock their brows to me "One of my banks is in Manhattan, so I went up to the Bronx."

"Was it the Bronx river?" Barton asks and I hum, before he remarks "The only fish in that water is used condoms, broken bottles, and AID positive needles. Why were you really there?"

I set my jaw and sigh, before deciding to give them a version of the truth "I went to visit my mum's old drug dealer. To rub his nose in the guilt."

They look to one another and have a silent conversation, before stepping out of the truck and Barton lets me out.

Silently, we walk through the halls and turn into the waiting room to find everyone there, except Steve and Tony "We've you been?" Hela asks.

"In New York." I reply, before she gives a pissed look "I couldn't stay here! My mind is racing a hundred miles an hour!"

Hela furrows her brow and hisses "Your boyfriend, my brother, is laying in a coma, on life support! And you decide to go get a corn dog at Coney Island?"

I scratch the back of my neck and set my jaw, as Carol whispers to Hela "Baby, calm down. He's hurting, too."

Frigga nudges me "Do you want to see him, dear?" I give a weak smile and she turns to Odin "Take him. I'm going to have a word with Hela."

Silently, Odin stands and we start down the halls. As we wait next to the ICU doors, Odin explains "Hela gets angry when she's hurt. She lashes out at anyone."

I give a weak smile as the first door opens. Before we step in, I remark "That's what makes them twins."

Odin shrugs as we make a turn "Thor is less murderous. He likes to fight when his ego is wounded. He gets sloppy when he's upset. Hela will kill you, regardless."

"You're right." I state, before shrugging "I guess that makes you a good father. Knowing what your kids do when they're hurting."

As we stop at the second door, I press the button as he sighs "Not good enough." I give a confused look as the door opens "I still haven't figured you out, just yet."

He walks in and I stand there for a second, trying to figure out what he just meant. When it hits me, a smile creeps across my face.

When I follow him, he leads me to the last room. Along the way, we walk past several rooms. A man with a collapsed lung. A woman with a bullet in her brain. A drunk with psoriasis of the liver. All of them, I bet won't make it through the night.

As Odin walks into a room, I can't force myself to go in. Instead, I grab his chart and look it over. After reading it over, I furrow my brow and walk to the nurses station "Why is Thor Odinson on anticoagulants? He's just got a meash heart implant! If anything, he should be on beta-blockers and ARNI's!"

She gives a confused look, before taking the clipboard giving a horrified look "Shit!" she hisses as Odin walks out "I'm going to change that to Protonix, and start Sacubitril and Sotalol."

I nod as Odin asks "What's happening?"

As the nurse walks off, I state "Laufey put him on anticoagulants." he gives a confused look "The only way Thor survives, is if blood clots form of the meash to promote healing. He can't do that when he's getting pumped full of blood thinners."

His eyes bulge and he asks "Is he going to be alright?" I give a weak smile and he sighs "Is he going to live?"

I take a deep breath, before taking his chart and furrowing my brow "His vitals look good, considering. He's got fantastic brain functions." I shrug, before explaining "If he gets through the next twenty-four hours without flatlining, off the machine by Monday or Tuesday, and there's no enteral bleeding in a week, he should live." he gives a weak smile and I shrug "He'll never playing sports again, and, if his heart is that damaged, he might need a transplant."

Odin furrows his brow, before nudging me "Do you want to go in and see him?" I nod and he gives a weak smile "Go ahead."

We stand there for a long moment, before I knock the clipboard on my ring and look down "I can't."

He grips my shoulder and asks "Why not?" I press my lips in a fine line and he gives me a little shake.

"If I go in there..." I give a soft shrug and place the clipboard down "It becomes real. If I go in there, there's a very likely chance that he never wakes up."

Odin frowns "Loki, if you don't go in there, that possibility is just the same, only you won't get to say goodbye."

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