Chapter 43

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The next few days were the same. I'd sleep, and they would stare at me. My drugs ended at four on Friday morning .

Currently, it's Friday morning. It's seven as I take my first dose of my bottle of Lithium. I've already eaten breakfast. Frigga watches me as take it.

Once it's down, I nod "Let's see if I'm actually bipolar, huh?"

She gives me a weak smile, before kissing my cheek and sighing "I need to ask you something..." I hum and she states "When you hear of someone in the news, who's bipolar, they usually, like steal a baby, or beat someone to death with a baseball bat."

"Psychotic break." I state and she hums "A lot of the time, people who are bipolar are also diagnosed with psychosis."

She nods, but still looks a bit confused "The government is implanting chips in our brains at birth and a group of missionaries are after me." she nods and I shrug "That type of shit."

She gives a weak smile, before asking "How does one become bipolar? Is it a genetic thing?"

I nod "Mostly." she takes a sip of her coffee as I pour a cup "I get it from my mum's side. You know Fandral?"

She hums and I tell her "Few years back, when he was twenty-one, he drops off the face of the earth after his parents got in this horrid car accident. Volstagg found him, six months later, stripping in a nightclub. Thirty pounds lighter, so he could fit his skinny arse into the clubs silver jockstrap."

She gives a shocked look and I gock "Haven't even told you the worst of it. He was screwing dudes for twenty pounds, giving them a hummer for ten. Had both chlamydia and gonorrhea."

She scoffs at that, before asking "Has he ever...?" she motions towards my wrist and I shake my head "Good, that's good."

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I love him." I take a sip of coffee, before declaring "He's fucking nuts." I sigh, before admitting "His drugs keep him in line, though."

As I go to take another sip, she gently stops my forearm and asks "Should you be drinking coffee with lithium?"

I set my jaw as Thor walks into the room "Thor, I poured you a cup." he takes it from me and I look back to Frigga "If it wasn't seven in the morning, I'd be drinking a glass of wine."

She gives a confused look "You can drink on lithium?"

I scrunch my nose and shrug "One drink will get me shitfaced, and I could really only have one every great once in awhile, but yeah."

She nods, before sipping her coffee "So, you've been in that place twice now?" I nod and she sighs "Was it a good place?" I nod again and we slip into silence.

After a long moment, I clear my throat and tell her "If I'm not any better, in two weeks..." she looks at me curiously and I nod "I'm going back there until they really fix me."

She gives a weak smile, before moving closer to me and wrapping her arm around my waist "We'll stay with you, no matter what."


"Fandral's got a dislocated shoulder, I've got a gash on my forehead, and we're about a mile from my nan's. We could hear the cops coming, and we just stole the car, so we share one look, before bolting to the closest neighborhood." I tell Frigga.

I continue "The cops are looking for whoever stole this Rolls-Royce. It takes us an hour to get to my nan's. When we get there, my nan has made vegan shepards pie and she's screaming at us, asking where we've been, why we're injuried."

"What did you tell her?" Frigga asks.

"I told her that we got gay-bashed." I state and she laughs "Anyway, I slam Fandral onto the table and relocate his shoulder. All the while, Volstagg is expecting us back at his place."

She moves the hair out of my face and asks "When was the last time you talked to him?"

"When I was in the hospital." I state and I scoff before clarifying "When he was here, during the overdose."

"You should call him." Frigga insists and I look towards my phone, with sits on the coffee table in front of the couch "You've got a lot to stuff to tell him."

I think for a second, before reaching out and grabbing my phone. Ask I scroll through my blackberry, she declares "I'm going to go make lunch."

She walks off as I press the call button. He picks up, almost immediately "Shouldn't you be in school?"

"Yeah, long story." I clear my throat and ask "What, ahh-meds are you on, for your bipolar disorder? Divalproex, Tegretol, Lithium?"

"Lithium, 600, twice a day." he states, before asking "Why, what are you getting at?"

"Well, it's a long story..." I clear my throat and explain "When I got out of detox, I stayed for a couple of days, before running away."

I scratch my head, before declaring "I was in rehab, and my adoptive family didn't know. When I got back, they thought I was okay, but I really wasn't."

"Loki, wha-" he sighs, before asking "What are you saying?"

"Loki!" Frigga calls out, before shaking a bottle "Did you take your Vilazodone?" I shake my head and she asks "Should you?"

"Toss it!" I order and she tosses it to me. I quickly take one, before returning to Fandral.

"New antidepressants?" he asks and I hum "What, the weed gummies not working, anymore?"

I sigh, before continuing "When I got home, I get hit by a car and broke my leg. I was planning to go to school, but I couldn't. When we got home from the ER, Odin went to file some files, and the drive, AKA my rehab roommate, broke in and threatened Frigga with a gun."

"Holy fuck, is she okay?" he asks.

"I managed to get the gun away from him, and he went after her with a knife, so I shot him." I state "He's, ahh, he's dead."

"Fuck, are you okay?" he asks.

I comb my fingers through my hair and state "At Thor's appointment, last Friday, Laufey slipped a gram of Horse into my pocket."

"Shit, did you use?" he asks.

"No, I slit my wrists instead." I tell him, before continuing "They got me into a psychological evaluation and now, I'm on the same dosage of lithium as you, because they diagnosed me as bipolar one."

"Holy shit, Loki!" he cries as I hear a ruffling on the other end "Listen, I'm hopping on the first flight I can get."

"Fandral you don't need to do that." I insists, but he argues me "Fine, I'll pay for it. It's going to be at least a grand, and I know you don't have that."

"Fine, get me a ticket. I'm on my way."

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