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Harry followed his father into the room where the Order meeting was to take place. He knew that most of the Order wasn't going to want him there, but he wasn't going to let that stop him from finally getting some firsthand information. He stood next to his father, off to the side, and watched as the rest of the members slowly trickled into the room and took their seats. Many looked at Harry with suspicion or outward hostility, but no one dared to say anything to him. Not yet anyway, especially with him standing there next to his father. Snape was glaring at anyone who dared to look their way.

Harry grinned inwardly. It was nice actually having Snape's death glare defending him instead of being directed at him for a change. He whispered that to his father.

Snape ended up turning the glare onto Harry for that statement. Harry gave him a cheeky grin. "Luckily for me, the death glare doesn't exactly work the same way on me anymore."

Snape paused, then smirked at Harry before returning his glare back to the others in the room.

Harry gave a small laugh and whispered his thanks to his father. Snape just gave Harry's shoulder a quick squeeze, but otherwise kept his gaze trained on the others in the room.

Finally, it appeared that everyone had arrived and Dumbledore called the meeting to order. He didn't get much of a chance to say anything though, before questions and accusations started flying about Harry being in the room. Dumbledore held up a hand to quiet them.

"This is Dustin Snape, Severus' son." People gaped in shock. Now that they paid attention, they could see the obvious resemblance, but it was still far from what they had expected.

"You actually have a son?" Tonks asked in astonishment.

Snape sneered at her. "Yes, I have a son. Is that really so impossible?"

Several people around the room actually nodded their heads automatically. Yes, it was pretty impossible in their opinions. Harry snickered. Snape rolled his eyes and explained the brief history they had made up.

"So you have a son," Moody said. He then asked the question most important to him, "Why is he here?"

Dumbledore spoke up again. "Dustin will be a liaison between the Order and the students of the school."

At this, the room broke out in chaos once again. Dumbledore, Severus and Harry simply watched as everyone argued about why Harry shouldn't be allowed there and why they didn't need a liaison with the students.

After a couple of minutes, Harry took on his best impression of Snape and sneered at the room. "I'm here because whether you like it or not, us 'mere students' happen to be attending the school that Voldemort likes to attack. And whether you like it or not, we are involved in this war."

"But a student should not be privileged with this kind of information," Moody said with a glare.

Harry glared at him in return. "I'm not about to share the information with all of the students," he said pointedly. "The idea is that with me running the DA, I can better help the students if I have an idea of what is actually going on. If Harry Potter had known what was going on last year, likely the events at the Department of Mysteries wouldn't have happened. With inside information, hopefully I can help prevent those types of mistakes happening again with the students."

"But why you?" Moody growled.

"Why not me?" Harry asked. "Harry Potter would have been the better choice, obviously, but he's not here. Someone needs to look out for the students of this school and, since I'm running the DA this year in Potter's absence, I seem the likely choice."

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