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Harry stared at the lifeless body for several long minutes, panting heavily and attempting to regain control over his own body. It was finally over. Kill or be killed—and he had killed. He had won.

He absently lifted his hand, bringing the snake bracelet to his lips. He uttered the word declaring him safe, and was bemused by how much safer he actually was now. He lifted his hand higher, rubbing his fingers against his forehead. It was gone. His connection with Voldemort, his scar, it was gone.


"Yes, young master?"

"Just checking. I wasn't sure if I could still speak with you."

"I can still understand you. Are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Just a little amazed that it's over."

Suziana didn't respond again and Harry was grateful. He was feeling a little overwhelmed. He was finally free. Whether Parseltongue originally came from Voldemort or not didn't much matter. It was a part of Harry now and only Harry. He could finally be himself.

A quiet shuffling got his attention and he whipped his head up to see Wormtail edging forward from the shadows.

"D-don't k-kill m-me," Wormtail stuttered.

Harry stood and flicked his wand, casting a Silencing charm on him, not wanting to listen to his grovelling.

"No, I won't kill you," Harry said coldly. "You will be going to the Ministry where you are going to finally tell the truth. You will finally make it known just who betrayed my parents and Sirius."

Harry conjured a cage and Wormtail meekly changed into his Animagus form and scampered inside. It was over for Peter Pettigrew, too. He knew it as well as Harry.

All said and done, Harry had been gone from Hogwarts for less than an hour. When he Apparated back, he was met with two extremely anxious people.

Draco spotted him first and ran, catching Harry up in a huge hug. "Are you all right? You disappeared and scared the fuck out of everyone. But you did it, didn't you? The Dark Marks are gone. I saw them go. They were screaming in agony, then the Dark Marks just disappeared. Oh Merlin, your scar is gone, too." Draco was wide-eyed and rambling faster than Harry could keep up.

Harry leaned in and kissed him, effectively shutting him up.

"Harry." The sound of Dumbledore's voice broke them apart, and Harry turned his head to look at the old wizard.

Harry gave him a tired smile. "It's over. It's finally over." He handed the cage over to Dumbledore. Let him deal with the rat. Dumbledore could go and deal with Voldemort's dead body, too. Harry felt he was more than done with his part, and someone else could handle the rest of it.

Dumbledore beamed at him. "You've done well indeed, Harry." He gestured for them to walk. "Come. There are some very worried people waiting."

"My father? Lucius?" Harry asked.

Draco had his arm tightly wrapped around Harry's waist as they walked, and it was he who answered. "Yes, both our fathers are doing well enough."

"I think they will be feeling much more comfortable once they see you again," Dumbledore said with a kind smile.

"Where is everyone else?" Harry asked. "Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone is fine," Dumbledore answered. "There were only a few minor injuries and those few are still in the infirmary. Otherwise, everyone is ensconced in the Great Hall awaiting news."

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