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Harry was lounging in one of the leather arm chairs of the Slytherin common room. It was amazing how the atmosphere seemed so different compared to the one time he had been in here in second year. Then, everything had seemed cold and dreary. But now, the fires were glowing brightly and there was plenty of chatter amongst the students.

The last couple of days had gone smoothly, as everyone got back into the routine of classes. For Harry, it seemed almost ridiculously easy. He had thought it would be much more difficult to adjust to his new persona. Maybe he wouldn't miss being Harry Potter as much as he thought. It even looked like he might be able to be friends with Hermione and Ron again. Well, he wasn't so sure about Ron, but Hermione was looking like a possibility. She had always been more open minded and seemed to be willing to give him a chance. Harry certainly hoped so.

He noticed that many of the students were eyeing him. He was sure many of them were still trying to size him up, but Pansy and Millicent were also whispering in a corner and glancing his way. I wonder what exactly they are up to. It seemed he didn't have long to wait.

Pansy spoke up. "I think it's time for a beginning of year get-to-know-you activity. I say we sit down to a game of 'I Never'. So, who's in?" That statement brought cheers from much of the common room. "Draco dear, don't you have some bottles of Firewhiskey you can donate to the game?" she said with a coy look at Draco.

Draco glanced in Harry's direction. Yes, this just might be interesting. He set off with Blaise to his dorm to gather up some drinks.

Everyone else started to get together in a circle in the middle of the common room. Harry decided to play along. This might be a way to get in good with the Slytherins, especially those who still hadn't decided whether to trust him or not.

He slid from the chair onto the floor and leaned back against the chair, stretching his legs out in front of him. Draco and Blaise returned with drinks and the girls got everything arranged for the game to start. Draco glanced around the room before settling in next to Harry.

Pansy settled herself on the other side of Harry and declared the game ready to begin. "I'll get us started. We'll start easy. I never kissed a girl." She promptly picked up her glass and downed it, showing that she herself had kissed a girl before. In fact, much of the circle downed their drink.

Harry decided to ask the next obvious question, "I never kissed a boy," and then downed his drink. This brought many appraising looks from the room. Harry noticed that Draco eyed him as he took his own drink.

Draco tried to decide what to go with next. "I have never shagged a boy." Then as he set his drink down without drinking, he watched closely as Harry calmly picked up his drink and drank it down.

The sixth year Slytherins, in particular, were all sharing looks throughout the room. This new guy seemed to have an interesting history.

Millicent was to ask the next question. "Well, to keep with the trend, I have never shagged a girl." She set her drink down without drinking it. Pansy set her drink on the floor as well, but almost every male drank deeply on that one.

Harry sat there relaxed and poised, thinking about the actions so far. This is certainly getting things out in the open fast, he thought to himself with a small quirk of his lips. The interesting thing was that he now had much of the attention of many of the males in the room, as well as the females. He was pleased to note that the gorgeous blonde on his left was eyeing him with even more awareness.

Harry had to admit that he'd always been so busy fighting with Draco over the years that he'd never truly looked at him. He'd looked at him in terms of sizing him up for a fight, but nothing beyond that. Watching Draco now, he realized that Draco physically had a lot going for him. That beautiful pale skin, the long lashes surrounding amazing silver eyes, his shiny blonde hair that flowed around his face. Not to mention the toned body from years of Quidditch. Harry wouldn't mind getting to know Draco a lot better in the near future.

As his thoughts wandered, the game had been continuing. Everyone was getting pretty pissed by this time. Many of the faces around the room were flushed and people were a lot more relaxed and lounging against each other. Harry decided to see how much he could up the ante. On his next turn he started by saying, "I never got a tattoo." He took his drink, then sat up and stripped his shirt off. That alone got all eyes on him. Gasps could be heard as he stood up and turned around.

Harry had been able to find a charm over the summer that made his tattoo move, much like wizard photos. Now the snakes endlessly slithered and twined around each other, constantly moving.

His tattoo suddenly had a new meaning as he looked down at Draco over his shoulder. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to be twined around the silver snake that was looking back at him with a touch of awe and lust. Draco's gaze flicked again to Harry's back and he unconsciously licked his lips as he took another look at that wonderfully smooth skin of Harry's. The leather trousers he was wearing rode low on his hips, yet the entwined snakes dipped a bit lower. Harry watched as Draco flicked his eyes to Harry's for a brief moment, and then slowly reached up to pull the back of the trousers that little bit lower to be able to see the complete tattoo.

Every pair of eyes was locked on the action between the two. Everyone knew that Draco was the leader of the Slytherins. Everyone also knew that whatever Draco wanted, Draco got. Harry was the new guy in the group, but it was becoming increasingly clear that, even aside from being their Head of House's son, he was a force to be reckoned with. Anyone who could bring their Slytherin Prince to his knees like that had to be someone important.

In the back of his mind, Harry recognized that he was gaining the respect, if not the trust, of the house. His focus at that moment though, was narrowing down to the blonde directly behind him. Harry slowly turned and looked down at Draco, who was still kneeling on the floor where he had moved to get a closer look at Harry's tattoo. Harry lowered himself to his knees in front of Draco, his eyes still locked on those beautiful silver eyes in front of him. Without ever saying a word, they both leaned forward until their lips met. It was just a casual brush of lips at first. Eyes still locked, with questions and answers flowing between them, not asked aloud. Both wanted to know if this was okay with the other, and they both answered yes.

Harry brought his hands up to Draco's waist and Draco brought his hands up to Harry's shoulders and as they leaned towards each other once again, their eyes drifted shut. Harry met Draco's lips and ran his tongue along Draco's lower lip, asking permission for entrance. Draco quickly parted his lips, sending his own tongue out in a quest for exploration. They became lost in the discovery of each other's mouths for long minutes.

Eventually, the others in the room lost their sense of shock and wonder and the paralysis was lifted. Catcalls and wolf whistles could be heard throughout the room all of a sudden. Harry and Draco drew back as they realized that they were the centre of attention. Neither blushed, though. The interaction between them felt too right to be ashamed. Harry looked Draco in the eyes before he spoke.

"Will you be the silver snake to my black snake?" Harry asked Draco the question without consciously thinking about it. Once the question left his lips, he realized it sounded extremely quirky, but he didn't take it back.

Draco didn't seem to think it odd either as he quickly nodded his head.

Both teens remembered the picture of Harry's tattoo, the black and silver snakes intertwined together. Somehow it just all felt right.

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