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Harry was watching Draco and Ron closely. So far things were going as well as could be expected with Draco's announcement that Harry was going to be playing Seeker. Draco had managed to keep his gloating toned down a bit, meaning he hadn't actually thrown any insults about Ron or the Gryffindor team, simply boasting about his own team.

Ron had managed to keep his temper down fairly well, so far at least. Ron had thrown a few insults though, making snide comments about Draco getting his boyfriend on the team and the Slytherins never playing fairly. Harry was really pleased when Draco managed to let them slide. Draco had simply smirked, stating in his superior manner that Harry had performed a try-out fair and square and certainly hadn't needed to be given special treatment.

Yes, overall, it had been going well enough. Unfortunately, Ron seemed to have finally got over his disbelief and realized that he had more competition now.

"Why'd you need a new Seeker, anyway?" Ron snapped. "It was bad enough competing against you, Malfoy."

Draco quirked an eyebrow in surprise. "Did you just compliment me, Weasley?"

Ron looked horrified, realizing that was exactly what he'd just inadvertently done.

"You did compliment me," Draco crowed in triumph. "It's nice to know you consider me such good competition."

"Well, you've never been as good as Harry," Ron snapped irritably. "He's beat your arse every time."

To Ron's astonishment, his statement didn't anger Draco. Instead, Draco smirked in satisfaction.

"I remember how Potter flew the last time I played him," Draco drawled lazily, happily dragging out this moment. "And my angel here can fly better than that."

Harry was somewhat surprised to realize that the way Draco had stated it, it was the complete truth. Harry and Draco knew his flying skills had improved since the year before, but Ron didn't. Ron hadn't really seen Harry fly since that fated Gryffindor/Slytherin match when, ironically, Harry had got banned from Quidditch afterwards because of fighting with Draco.

"No one flies better than Harry," Ron said angrily. "He was the youngest Seeker in a hundred years for a reason, Malfoy."

"Angels know how to fly," Draco drawled.

Ron looked disgusted and Harry glared at Draco. "Draco, you do realize that I still think you're awfully corny sometimes with this angel fascination of yours?" Harry asked in bemused irritation.

Draco lifted one shoulder in an elegant shrug, completely unapologetic. "Think what you like," he declared. "Everyone knows that angels can fly. You are my angel. I watched you fly out there on the pitch today like you were born in the air—your flying was completely and totally natural. It all fits."

Harry rolled his eyes, but didn't comment on Draco's logic. Draco was as tenacious with this angel fascination as Moody was with his paranoia. It tended to embarrass Harry, but he had to admit, if only to himself, that he was getting used to it, and he was pleased Draco called him that.

Harry snorted to himself. Maybe he was just pleased that Draco was actually using a nice nickname for him instead of all the names he'd called him in the past, like potty and scarhead. Harry smiled to himself as he glanced at Draco. He certainly didn't have a problem with Draco claiming him as his own and, if Draco wanted to persist with this angel idea, then so be it.

Draco had smirked in satisfaction when he realized Harry wasn't going to respond again, and turned back to face Ron.

Ron was not nearly as accepting of this little flying angel theory of Draco's. "Bloody hell! What is with you and this angel kick? Dustin is human just like everyone else, but you'd think you worshipped the ground he walked on with the way you act," he said in disgust.

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