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The second they got back to Harry's room, Draco pushed Harry over to the bed until Harry fell back onto it laughing.

"Are you eager to collect your reward for behaving so well with the Gryffindors?"

"Yes, I am. I think I behaved very well for being in the lion's den," Draco declared, hands on his hips. "Then you made me wait until after dinner."

Harry chuckled. "I wasn't sure you'd let me leave the bedroom again once we got here."

"Damn right you're not going anywhere," Draco practically purred as he let his eyes roam over Harry's form sprawled on the bed.

Harry's eyes took on a wicked gleam. "Strip for me," he commanded softly.

Draco's eyes widened fractionally before glazing over slightly in anticipated desire. He backed up a step and began to slowly undo the fastenings on his robe.

Harry sat up and removed his own robes quickly, taking out his wand and putting up several wards, particularly silencing charms and wards that would let his father know not to enter without warning. Lying back on the bed, Harry propped himself up on his elbows where he would be able to better enjoy the view.

Draco had finished with his robes by this time, and once Harry was lying down again, he slowly shrugged the robes off his shoulders and let them slide down his arms. Harry unconsciously licked his lips in anticipation.

Draco's clothing was almost always more formal than Harry's. Today he was wearing tailored gray wool trousers that fit his form perfectly, along with a simple white silk button down shirt.

Tossing the robes aside, Draco began at the hollow of his throat, slipping buttons from their corresponding buttonholes. Harry's eyes became fixated on those long, pale fingers as they deftly accomplished their task.

Harry swallowed hard at the realization that those hands were very accomplished at whatever they set out to do—whether it was undoing buttons, chopping ingredients for potions, or most importantly, pleasuring Harry.

Draco switched to the buttons on the cuffs, causing the shirt to finally fall open and Harry moaned in appreciation of the skin that was revealed. Draco was lightly muscled and Harry knew from experience that his chest was incredibly soft and smooth, overlaying the hardness of the muscles.

Draco's hands were back in view as Harry watched them tug the hem of the shirt from the trousers, exposing Draco's navel. Harry had the great urge to thrust his tongue in, knowing that it would make Draco writhe. Instead, Harry watched as long fingers lightly grazed up that toned torso to flick at the fabric on his shoulders. The smooth silk slid all the way down toned arms, falling to puddle on the floor.

Harry watched eagerly as Draco's hands skipped downwards from shoulders to pink nipples. Harry wasn't the only one to moan as fingertips circled slowly before gently tweaking the nipples into hardness. It wasn't long before Draco's hands trailed further down.

Nimble fingers once more proved their abilities as they made quick work of the buckle of Draco's belt. Harry's eyes followed the strip of dragon hide as it was dragged through the loops of the trousers. Draco drew it up in front of his face, bringing Harry's attention to him.

Harry wasn't sure who was more turned on by this sensual display when his eyes locked onto Draco's. Draco's eyes were half closed and had turned a shining silver. His gaze was intense with his obvious desire. Draco ran his middle finger along his bottom lip and Harry's gaze was once again diverted.

Draco flicked his tongue out, licking at his finger. Harry let out a loud groan when Draco slipped that pale digit into his mouth and began sucking. That wet finger slipped from Draco's mouth with a slight pop and moved to twirl delicately around pale pink nipples.

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