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Harry and Draco finally emerged from their room for the Christmas feast. It was a little overwhelming, because it seemed almost everyone wanted to welcome them back. Draco handled it well overall, but Harry thought it was sweet that Draco seemed to be genuinely astonished when so many people commented about how they'd been worried about him. It was the fact that it was students outside of his own house that surprised him so much.

Harry and Blaise enjoyed the evening and Draco's growing sense of uneasiness with the attention. Draco had taken to glaring at them, as they sniggered in the background. It was hilarious to watch Draco try to fend off the well-wishers, especially since he hadn't even been the one injured.

Once back in Harry and Draco's room, Harry and Blaise let loose the laughter they'd been trying to contain all evening.

"You have totally ruined my reputation at this school," Draco declared, glaring at Harry.

"This coming from the boy who goes around calling me Angel," Harry said with a wide grin.

"That's different," Draco declared haughtily.

"Being called Angel does seem to have helped your reputation," Blaise said, laughing at Harry now, too.

"How?" Harry demanded. "How could it have possibly helped?"

"Because everyone sees you as this bloke who's always willing to help, just like an angel," Blaise explained.

Harry held his hands up in protest. "Never mind. You're going to start sounding like Draco."

"And that's a bad thing?" Draco asked, eyes narrowed.

"No, it's just that there can only be one Draco," Harry said, hoping to appease his boyfriend.

Draco let it pass. "Of course there can only be one me," he declared haughtily.

Blaise had a hand over his mouth and waved his little finger at Harry behind Draco's back. Harry burst out laughing.

"What's so funny now?" Draco asked suspiciously, glancing at the now innocent looking Blaise.

"Nothing, love," Harry said with a grin, shoving Draco backwards onto the bed before landing on top of him.

Harry kissed him soundly before rolling over and allowing Draco to get up again. Blaise sniggered to see them both lying there on their backs, panting lightly as they tried to regain their breath after the deep kisses.

"Don't you have somewhere to go, Blaise?" Draco asked.

"Nope!" Blaise said cheerfully. "Not for a little while yet."

Draco propped himself up on his elbows so he could look at Blaise. "Am I missing something?" he asked, frowning in confusion. "Or are you just being a prat?"

"He's just being a prat," Harry answered.

"Hey! You promised!" Blaise exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah," Harry answered dismissively.

"What'd you promise him?" Draco asked curiously. It didn't seem that important with the way Harry was acting. Then it hit him. "Longbottom."

"Yes, I promised Blaise we'd work out a time to meet tomorrow," Harry admitted.

"Why?" Draco asked rhetorically. "Why me?"

"Hey, this coming from the boy who's dating Harry Potter," Blaise retorted.

"I'm dating a Slytherin," Draco shot back.

"So? He's always been like the ultimate Gryffindor," Blaise said.

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