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Harry woke up excited about the upcoming day. He and his father would be out of the house together for the first time as father and son. He went bounding down the stairs and into the kitchen. As a bonus, he wouldn't be doing any work today. It was going to be a day just for shopping and some fun.

"Good Morning, Father!" Harry greeted his father in a chipper voice.

"Morning to you as well. Are you sure you are ready for today?" Severus knew that today would be a big test of whether or not they would be able to pull things off as they hoped.

Harry thought about it for a moment. "Yeah, I know this is a big day. The hardest thing will be remembering that I'm not supposed to know anybody or anything about this place. It's the choice I've made, though. If Harry Potter is away from everything, hopefully things will be at least a bit safer for everyone." Then he grinned. "Also, Dustin Snape is ready to start his new life. I'm proud to have you my father and I'm not afraid to show it to everyone. It should be interesting to see everyone's reactions to the 'greasy git' having a son!"

Severus allowed a small smile to grace his features. "Indeed."

They sat and ate their breakfast before finishing getting ready to go.

"Ready?" Snape asked.

"Are you ready?" Harry asked him. "I'm fine. For once in my life, I don't have to live up to a reputation. Not my own anyway. You, on the other hand, have a reputation as a right mean bastard. It's bound to take a beating having a son now," he added with a cheeky grin.

Severus thought about it for a moment. "Many will still see me that way. It is a reputation which I intend to encourage, thank you very much. But I'm not ashamed of finally having a son. I'm proud of that fact and I will be happy to be with you today. So let's get out of here."

They Apparated right outside the entrance to Diagon Alley. They shared a look, and then started off in step with each other. Already they were garnering looks from some of the people out shopping. The teen with Snape may have been much shorter, but it was clear from first glance that they were related.

"Let's start with the apothecary first. You need to get more supplies for your potions this year," Severus told Harry with a smirk on his face.

Harry groaned. "Why do I have the feeling that I'll be getting more supplies than just what I need for class?"

"Yes, indeed. You will be continuing your studies outside of class. You've improved greatly this summer, but there's always more to learn." Severus approached the apothecary with a mission to gather the supplies Harry would need.

Harry simply followed along. He actually wanted the extra lessons, so he really wasn't going to complain too much. As he wandered around while Severus gathered everything he deemed necessary, Harry's attention was drawn outside the window. It looked like his first test was heading his way in the form of Lucius and Draco Malfoy.

Harry sidled up close to where his father was gathering supplies. "Father, it looks like we have company coming," he said quietly. He took a deep breath and watched as his father did the same after glancing out the window. Harry took another deep breath and muttered, "Showtime."

The bell over the door jangled as the Malfoys entered the store.

The Snapes watched as the Malfoys took a moment to let their eyes adjust to the low lighting in the store, and then realize that Snape was standing there with an unknown teen.

Severus stepped forward and tilted his head forward slightly. "Lucius, Draco."

"Severus, it's a pleasure to see you, as always," Lucius murmured. "Who do you have with you today?" Both Lucius and Draco were attempting to size up this new teen that was standing quietly next to Snape.

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