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Harry entered the Slytherin common room and quickly glanced around. Spotting Draco by the fire, he walked over and gave the blonde a kiss in greeting before laying down on the sofa and using Draco's lap as a pillow. Closing his eyes, he sighed deeply in contentment.

Draco didn't say a word, but gave Harry a warm smile before focusing once again on the book he'd been reading and absently running his fingers through Harry's hair.

"Where've you been, Dustin?" Blaise asked.

"He's been with Snape," Draco absently answered for Harry as he turned the page of his book.

Harry opened one eye to look at Draco curiously, but decided it wasn't worth the effort of questioning how exactly Draco knew where he'd been. It wasn't like it was a secret that he went off to talk with his father now and then. Harry just closed his eyes again, snuggling in closer to Draco.

Neither Harry nor Draco witnessed the amused looks exchanged between Blaise and Pansy. "Merlin, you'd think that you two had been together for years," Pansy said, her amusement clear in her voice.

Harry's eyes flew open and he turned to stare at Pansy. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Why do you say that?"

"Don't get your knickers in a twist," Pansy retorted. "It's just that you two have barely been together a month, but you act like you've known each other for years. You're just so comfortable with each other and always seem to know what's up with the other even when your partner isn't around."

Draco lowered his book and looked down at Harry thoughtfully. "I must admit, I understand what she means," Draco said with a soft smile for Harry. "I feel like I've known you forever."

He shook his head in confusion. "I know it sounds crazy, but I get almost a sense of déjà vu when I'm around you sometimes, like I really have known you a lot longer."

Harry was getting incredibly nervous with this conversation, despite the fact that he was pleased that Draco did seem to recognize him, subconsciously at least. Time to derail this conversation.

Harry propped himself up and slipped a hand behind Draco's head and pulled him down for a deep kiss, to which Draco responded immediately. Harry nipped at Draco's lower lip, causing him to part his lips and moan in pleasure. Taking advantage, Harry slipped his tongue inside Draco's mouth, enjoying the flavour of chocolate and Draco's own unique taste.

Harry pulled back and collapsed boneless back onto Draco's lap, once again sighing in contentment. Mmmm, Harry couldn't decide if he wanted more of Malfoy's flavour or if he wanted chocolate now.

Draco lightly rocked his hips into the back of Harry's head and glared down at his boyfriend. "You are being a tease," he accused.

Harry looked up with a wicked grin. "Mmmm, so are you. Where are you hiding the chocolate you've been eating?"

Draco's eyes widened fractionally before he gave a surprised chuckle.

"You've been caught, Draco," Blaise snickered.

Harry fluttered his lashes and gave Draco his best puppy dog eyes. He wondered idly if puppy dog eyes would be more effective with his own green eyes rather than the dark eyes like his father. "Share?" he pleaded.

Draco huffed, but relented by rummaging in his robe pockets and pulling out a chocolate frog and handing it to Harry. But before Harry accepted the offered sweet, he snagged Draco's hand, bringing it to his lips to place a soft kiss to his fingers. Only then did Harry take the treat and begin unwrapping it happily.

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