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"What'd he say?" Blaise asked anxiously.

Harry didn't answer, first stopping to give Draco a kiss before lying down on the sofa with his head pillowed in Draco's lap. It was one of his favourite places to be, particularly when they were hanging out in the Slytherin common room. They had the area to themselves at the moment, ensuring them a bit of privacy.

"Now that you're comfortable, I wish you'd just go ahead and put me out of my misery," Draco drawled.

"Don't you mean Blaise's misery?" Harry asked curiously.

"No, I mean my misery. He's been driving me mental with his little anxiety attack. It's not even been any fun trying to tease him," Draco pouted. "I still find it hard to believe, but he's got it bad for Longbottom."

Harry laughed as Blaise glared at Draco. "Would you just shut up?" Blaise snapped.

Draco arched an eyebrow at his friend. "Getting a little touchy, aren't you?"

Blaise backed off. "Sorry. I just want to know what Dustin found out," he said sheepishly.

Harry took pity on him and finally answered his question. "I found out he likes boys and I think he likes you, but he didn't actually say that."

Blaise's eyes lit up hopefully. "Did he say he'd go out with me?"

"No, he didn't, so don't go getting too hopeful yet," Harry warned.

"But you said that you think he likes me, so why won't he give me a chance?" Blaise asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's because you're a Slytherin," Harry admitted.

Blaise frowned as he thought about that. Harry lay there, patiently waiting, enjoying the feel of Draco's fingers absently carding through his hair. He was a little surprised that Draco was being quiet now, but he took it as a good sign. Draco wasn't exactly fond of Neville, but he did seem to realize how important this was to Blaise.

"Dustin, will you talk to him again?" Blaise asked suddenly.

"Why don't you talk to him?" Harry returned.

"I don't know if he'll listen to me," Blaise admitted.

"You're going to have to talk to him at some point, if you want him to actually go out with you," Harry pointed out. "Talk to him. It'll be a whole lot better coming from you than it will from me."

"Well, yeah, but I don't think I can convince him to give me a chance," Blaise said.

"What makes you think I can convince him?"

"Everyone trusts you," Blaise answered simply.

"No, they don't," Harry scoffed.

Draco snorted. "Yes, they do. You've earned the respect of almost every single person in this school, I think."

"He's right," Blaise said, nodding earnestly in agreement.

Harry frowned as he thought about it. He'd already figured that he'd have to talk to Neville again, so there was really no point in arguing with Blaise and Draco about it. But he still thought Blaise should be talking to Neville. He was the one who wanted to go out with Neville, not Harry.

"Fine," Harry said. "I'll make you a deal. You try talking to Neville first. If you can't convince him to give you a chance, then we'll arrange a meeting and I'll try to convince him."

"Deal," Blaise said, grinning brightly.

Harry closed his eyes and wondered how he'd got himself into this. Little did he know that by the next evening, he'd be having that same thought regarding a different situation.

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