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Harry and Draco were sitting with the other Slytherins eating breakfast when the post owls flew into the Great Hall. Harry glanced up as he always did, but wasn't really expecting anything. Draco, on the other hand, had his regular delivery of the Daily Prophet, plus one of his family's eagle owls landed at the table. Harry paid the owl for the paper, while Draco untied the letter from his father.

Draco didn't even have a chance to open the envelope, however, before Harry gasped. Harry laid the paper down on the table between them so they could both see. The colour picture showed a plain white wall with a message written across the wall in red.

Where are you Harry Potter?
Come out of hiding or
who knows who will be the next to die.

The picture was simple and yet terribly horrific. The message itself was simple. What made the picture horrifying was the fact that it was obvious that the words were written in blood. The bright red words dripped down the picture, and the shiny red was a stark contrast to the whitewashed wall that made up the main background of the photo.

There was only one other thing visible in that startling red and white picture. There was a framed photograph hung on the wall. It was clearly a family photo, even though Harry knew there was always a member missing. That one detail told Harry exactly where this picture was taken.

Harry and Draco stared at each other for a moment before turning back to the paper to read the article.

You-Know-Who Leaves Message For Harry Potter

You-Know-Who is searching for Harry Potter. Harry Potter survived the killing curse when he was a year old and caused the demise of You-Know-Who for many years. Harry Potter was sent to live with his mother's relatives. His aunt, uncle and cousin—shown in the photo above—were discovered dead early this morning. After the Ministry received an owl advising them to check the Dursley's home, Aurors were sent to assess the situation. The Dursleys were tortured before they were finally killed and the message was left on the wall for their nephew.

You-Know-Who has returned and clearly wants his revenge on Harry Potter. The rumours that have been abound over the years show that so far he hasn't been successful.

Perhaps this is why Harry Potter has gone into hiding. Is Harry Potter afraid that his luck has run out? If he doesn't return, who is going to be able to defeat You-Know-Who? Surely Harry Potter will come out of hiding to face him. He's done it before. We need Harry Potter.

Unfortunately, no one seems to know where the Saviour of the Wizarding World is. Sources tell us that he did not return to Hogwarts for school this year. He's been missing for months. The only mention we've heard is that Harry Potter is training in a safe location. Let us hope that his training will pay off. We need the Saviour of the Wizarding World to return.

Harry leaned his head down and pinched the bridge of his nose in a manner reminiscent of his father. He felt Draco place a hand on the small of his back and somehow the small circles Draco was rubbing helped calm his nerves a bit. He couldn't break down. He didn't even like the Dursleys, but that hadn't meant that he wanted them dead. He certainly wasn't happy with the fact that their deaths were his fault.

He glanced up from the paper and realized that many eyes around the room were fixed on him. He had been preparing the DA well and they were looking to him for a decision as to what they would do with this new information.

Harry's thoughts were spinning. The irony of the situation was mind boggling. If they only realized that Harry Potter was the person they were all looking at. Harry Potter was hiding in plain sight and it was obviously effective. It looked like it might be necessary for him to reappear, though. But how? He sighed heavily. This was going to be a day of meetings.

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