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The next month flew by quickly. Both Harry and Draco were extremely busy, but overall, they fell into comfortable routines. They had regular classes and assignments, DA meetings and planning, Quidditch practices, and training with Severus, not to mention time they made sure to spend with their friends and each other.

Lucius was popping in more often to spend time with Severus, and both Harry and Draco made time to spend with their fathers. They were both happy to see Lucius and Severus giving each other another chance, and things seemed to be going well for them.

Meetings with Ron and Hermione to discuss DA plans were going a lot smoother than they used to. Ron and Draco couldn't exactly be called friendly, but they were both obviously trying to at least not deliberately antagonize each other.

Their truce even managed to survive the Slytherin/Ravenclaw game, where Ron got to see Harry fly. Suffice it to say, Ron wasn't happy to see his dreams of winning the Quidditch cup that year, almost literally, fly out the window.

Admittedly, there was a bit of taunting in the corridors between Slytherins and Gryffindors, but it wasn't at the level of animosity that it used to be. But inside the DA room, there was never a word said.

Ron did his best to not to be too sulky, and Draco tried not to gloat too much. Harry was happy enough that they were at least trying, and they did manage to leave him out of it.

In some ways, Harry had more of a problem when they watched the Gryffindor/Hufflepuff game. To keep Harry from automatically cheering whenever Gryffindor scored, Draco kept pinching him. At least he did until Harry threatened to hex him. Then Draco took to kissing him or running his hand up Harry's thighs so that Harry's breath would hitch and he'd be unable to yell and cheer.

Harry ended up getting his own private celebration party in his room with Draco—beginning immediately after the game. Harry quite enjoyed the reward he received for Gryffindor's win and it was well worth the suffering he'd endured during the game. It was beside the point that he was a Slytherin now and hadn't even played for the Gryffindor team.

Overall, things really were going well, and that's what was beginning to bother Harry. Things seemed to be going almost too well.

Voldemort was lying low, which Harry was happy with, but it made him nervous not knowing what he was planning. Lucius and Severus hadn't been able to discover anything. Not that there weren't any concerns regarding Voldemort.

For Severus it was a rather difficult time, because he wasn't able to deliver any news to Voldemort regarding Harry Potter's absence. Voldemort was becoming more and more furious that no one had been able to find Harry Potter. Severus took the brunt of the punishment much of the time, simply because Voldemort considered the fact that he was closest to Dumbledore, so he should be able to figure something out.

Also, there was the fact that Dustin was supposed to be finding out what he could, and yet had nothing to report either. So, Severus ultimately took both of their punishments on more than one occasion. It was after the second time that it happened, that Harry approached his father and Lucius.

Harry and Draco were curled up on the couch, as was their custom, and Severus and Lucius were sitting in the chairs flanking either side.

"I want you to teach me how to handle the Cruciatus curse," Harry declared to Severus.

Severus quirked an eyebrow. "You have known how to effectively cast that curse for a long while now."

Harry poured a glass of scotch and passed it to his father. Severus accepted the glass, eyeing Harry warily.

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