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"Severus, get him out of my sight," Voldemort commanded. "The rest of you go as well."

Severus quickly moved to Harry and lifted him as gently as he could. He Apparated them both out of there with Lucius right behind them.

Draco was at the gates waiting for them. He rushed forward as soon as he heard the 'pops' announcing their arrival.

"Oh Merlin! What happened to him?" he asked anxiously. Harry was covered in blood, head to toe.

Severus just headed straight for the castle with Harry still held tightly in his arms. Lucius snagged the invisibility cloak from Draco completely unnoticed, since Draco only had eyes for Harry at this point.

"What happened?" Draco asked again desperately, as he raced to keep up with Severus' long stride.

Lucius' disembodied voice answered from beside him. "Voldemort decided that Harry should continue the evening's entertainment and he would be the one to take the punishment for the captives' disappearance. He set Crabbe and Goyle on him to inflict his punishment."

Draco just let out a cry as they all raced to the hospital wing. He rushed forward to throw open the doors for Severus. "Madam Pomfrey," he yelled.

She rushed forward when she saw the boy in Severus' arms. "Lay him on the bed there," she commanded.

Draco tried to move forward to be beside Harry, but the invisible force of his father held him back. Draco shifted from foot to foot anxiously as he watched the mediwitch and the potions professor team up to heal Harry.

They worked together to remove Harry's clothes and she quickly cast a couple of cleansing spells to remove the blood. Much of the blood had clotted over the boy's wounds, but several gashes and abrasions were still flowing the bright red blood.

Draco watched as the mediwitch ran her wand over Harry's body, running diagnostic spells. Then she began casting healing spells, Draco presumed, as Severus was gathering potions.

Draco was directed to the bed next to Harry's and forced to sit down while he waited. He could only watch and wait for the next hour while Madam Pomfrey and Severus worked on Harry.

Draco registered the fact that Blaise had appeared and sat next to him, offering silent comfort. He'd obviously been given the antidote because he looked like himself again. Draco wondered briefly if Blaise should even be there at this point, but knew that Blaise was worried, too, and Draco simply couldn't bring himself to care at that point. He was grateful that Blaise was there, but at the same time, thankful that Blaise wasn't asking any questions.

Right now he needed to focus on Harry.

Of course, Dumbledore wanted to interfere with his focus. He didn't even know when Dumbledore had come into the room.

"He will be all right, my boy," Dumbledore said to Draco. But much of the twinkle was gone from his eyes. "He is strong and he will pull through this."

Draco just levelled a glare at the old man before turning his attention back to Harry.

"Madam Pomfrey was able to look over the members of the family before Dustin's arrival, and they will be fine," Dumbledore said. "They were fortunately not injured too severely and Severus will be able to help with that situation. Dustin will not become any further involved, in regards to the Ministry."

Draco didn't bother to respond. He'd seen the family lying on beds further down the ward and was sure they'd all been dosed with Dreamless Sleep potion. For Harry's sake, he was glad they were going to be all right but, other than that, he couldn't bring himself to care.

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