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From the moment Voldemort took down the extra wards and used Wormtail to summon the other followers, Harry was slipping outside to go meet his father and Lucius. He was highly sick of being in there, but he was about to turn around and go right back in. Only this time, he would be going in looking like Dustin Snape.

As he almost expected, Lucius got to their designated meeting spot first. Harry wasn't sure if the man was surprised or not, but Harry gave him a quick hug regardless, and the man hugged him in return. He still surprised himself sometimes when he considered the fact that he now saw Lucius as a friendly face.

Lucius quickly gave Harry a set of robes to put on and started undoing the charms that made him look like the old Harry Potter.

"Father!" Harry exclaimed quietly and wrapped his arms tightly around his father when he appeared. Severus was hugging him just as tightly. They only allowed a couple of moments before Harry pulled back. He had already put in his contacts, masking his green eyes, and Severus only needed to add the charm to hide Harry's scar to transform him back into Dustin.

"Successful?" Lucius asked, as Severus shrunk Harry's invisibility cloak and stuffed it away in one of the pockets of his voluminous robes.

Harry smirked at them both. "Oh, yes," he said slyly. "Um, whatever else happens, just leave Nagini alone," he said, as they started walking back the way he had just come from a few minutes earlier.

Both men quirked eyebrows at him in surprise. Harry flashed them a wicked grin. "Been more successful than I ever expected."

Much as they wanted to question him, they didn't have the opportunity as they grew closer and more Death Eaters were Apparating in around them. Harry had spent most the last three days in this place, and felt pretty comfortable waltzing back in, all things considered.

As he'd done previously, Harry waited in his position between Lucius and Severus. Only thing different was that Draco wasn't here as backup. Ironically, Harry could use even more backup this time.

Draco, however, was their backup back at Hogwarts. If anything went gravely wrong, then either Harry, Severus, or Lucius would hopefully be able to contact Draco through the bracelet he was wearing. Draco would be able to alert Dumbledore and the Order and bring help.

Harry hoped it didn't come down to that, though. Especially not now. With just a little more time, he was certain he'd be able to finally vanquish Voldemort, and he didn't want to bring anyone into further danger if he could help it. And fighting in the Dark Lord's lair definitely constituted further danger.

As he waited, Harry idly wondered once again if he could successfully lure many of the Death Eaters back to Hogwarts where everyone was prepared to fight them. The Death Eaters sure didn't know that they'd essentially be walking into a trap. If any of the students were seriously harmed, Harry would regret it until the day he died, which hopefully wouldn't be any time soon, but overall, he felt confident of the students' abilities. They'd prepared for an attack like the one he was seriously considering instigating. And if they were successful, they could take down the majority of the Death Eaters.

He started to fill with more nervous energy as the room, now full of Death Eaters, began to quiet down. He was truly wishing he'd had more of a chance to talk to his father and Lucius, but there'd been no time for him to try to explain everything that he'd learned.

Voldemort glided into the room from a side door, Wormtail trailing behind him. Harry was pleased to see Nagini slithering into the room, and grateful Suziana was once again hidden beneath his robes.

Red eyes widened upon seeing him among the ranks. "Young Dustin, I am surprised to see you with us tonight," Voldemort said warmly, if his voice could ever be considered warm in any way.

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