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Harry woke the next morning still feeling tired, sore, and very confused. Not wanting to wake Draco, he lay there quietly and attempted to pull his thoughts together. Ironically enough, he wasn't nearly as concerned about his foray into the spy world as he was about revealing his identity to Blaise.

One of the things bothering him was the guilt that Blaise now knew who he was, but Ron and Hermione still didn't. They were supposed to be his best friends, but they didn't have a clue as to who he was. He had done his best to make sure of that, and was always extra careful around them.

Of course, being with Draco helped a lot there. No one, least of all Ron and Hermione, would expect Harry to be loving it up with Draco at every opportunity. His reasons for hooking up with Draco at the beginning of the year had been purely selfish, but it had inadvertently helped with his cover.

But then, being with Draco was one of the reasons that Harry was in no way willing to tell Ron until he absolutely had to. Ron would never be able to keep something like this secret if he knew. By the time he got through over-reacting about the whole situation, everyone would likely know Harry's true identity. As time went on, Ron was slowly adjusting to Draco, so maybe Harry would have a chance at still being Ron's friend when this was all over. But in the meantime, Ron's temper was a deterrent.

There was also the safety issue. One of the reasons Harry was doing this was to protect them. If they didn't know anything, then there was less chance of them getting hurt. Certainly, Ron wasn't following Harry on any of his 'adventures' this year. Of course, Draco was instead, but Draco had far more practical experience at being a Death Eater.

Harry shook his head slightly. The ironies tended to boggle his mind at times, when he allowed himself to think about them. He shifted his thoughts to Hermione.

Technically, Hermione would be able to keep it secret, but then she'd also insist on being involved more, and would likely put herself into more danger, just as she always had in the past. Then, there was also the fact that she would question his every move.

She would not approve of him doing what he'd done the night before. Severus and Draco hadn't exactly approved either, but they understood the risks Harry took better than Hermione ever could.

Harry imagined the situation with his Firebolt on a much larger scale. She had gone over his head and told McGonagall about his Firebolt, feeling it was for his own good. If she thought he was endangering himself too much, would she go over his head and blow his cover, thinking it would help keep him safe? He had the feeling that she would do exactly that if she found out he had taken to attending Death Eater meetings.

She had been willing to learn a little dark magic under the circumstances, after a whole lot of talking from Harry, but she was only willing to take it so far. She would go ballistic if she knew exactly how far Harry had taken his training. He shuddered lightly. He thought Draco and his father had been hard to deal with when he decided to learn how to fight after being subjected to the Cruciatus curse? Hermione would not have stood for that.

He loved his friends dearly, but this wasn't something that he could let them find out. Even if he could guarantee that they'd keep it quiet, he'd still be subjecting himself to them questioning his every move. He had a hard enough time answering to Draco and his father, and he felt that they understood where he was coming from better.

His thoughts brought him back around to Blaise. Blaise wasn't likely to question him at all. Well, not in the sense that Ron and Hermione would. Blaise would be curious, and would ask questions to satisfy that curiosity, but Harry knew very well that Blaise would back off if asked.

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