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Harry didn't wake again until early afternoon the next day.

"Hey, you're finally conscious," Draco said softly, coming to sit on the edge of the bed.

"If you say so," Harry grumbled.

He heard more than just Draco laughing and sat up to realize that Blaise and Neville were there as well. He blinked at them.

"Er, we're kind of hiding out in your room," Neville admitted.

"Hiding out?" Harry questioned.

"Yes, hiding out," Blaise said irritably. "Everybody's after us to answer questions since you two haven't made an appearance yet."

"But I thought everything pretty much got explained last night," Harry whinged.

Draco snorted. "Try telling Granger and Weasley or Pansy that," he said dryly.

Harry winced. "Um, how are they taking things?"

Neville gave him a sheepish look. "I don't know exactly."

"Why not?" Harry asked curiously.

Draco was snickering, simply confusing Harry more.

"Because I hid out with Blaise in the Slytherin dorms last night," Neville admitted.

"Just trying to get from the dorm to your room was an absolute nightmare," Blaise said.

"Severus got Dobby to bring us some lunch here," Draco admitted. "I wasn't about to go anywhere without you anyway, but especially not after these two showed up here late this morning."

"How are our fathers doing?" Harry asked worriedly.

Draco shrugged. "Well enough physically, although certainly still sore. My father seems to be taking this in stride, but Severus . . . " he trailed off.

"He's irritated as all fuck because of the uproar," Harry finished for him.

"Pretty much," Draco agreed, smirking at Harry. "It might have something to do with the fact that he's now officially proclaimed the father of the Boy-Who-Lived-Twice."

"What?!" Harry squawked.

"Draco made the paper, too," Blaise sing-songed.

Draco's smirk immediately turned into a scowl.

"Another reputation issue," Neville explained with a grin.

"Oh yes!" Blaise declared. "Isn't it wonderful that Harry Potter found himself a boyfriend who's obviously so loving and supportive? Draco Malfoy, who redeems himself by willingly facing You-Know-Who to protect his friends," he proclaimed grandly.

"Oh, Merlin," Harry breathed, slowly trying to scoot away from Draco.

"You're not going anywhere," Draco drawled.

Harry winced. "You know I love you, right?"

"Sure, now that you've officially turned me into a good guy," Draco retorted.

"Hey now! That's not fair!" Harry protested. "I loved you before any of this."

Draco sniffed in disdain. "And why should I believe that?"

Harry tilted his head thoughtfully. "Because I still know that you're actually a snarky bastard underneath this new good guy persona?"

Draco gave him a smug grin before rewarding Harry with a passionate kiss. Harry broke away laughing when he heard Neville muttering. "Now isn't that the truth."

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