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Harry and Draco were again lounging at either end of the sofa in Harry's room, and both were supposedly reading. Harry, however, was sidetracked when Suziana got his attention.

" Young master, you are able to speak freely now in front of your mate, correct?"

Harry glanced up at Draco. He'd told Suziana how he'd made up with Draco, but he wasn't sure how Draco would feel about him talking to a snake. Now that Draco knew who he was, it wasn't like he didn't know Harry had the skill. It was actually because of Draco that he'd discovered that he had the skill in the first place.

He looked back down to his wrist.

"You are correct, Suziana. I guess we will find out now how he feels about it. You are welcome to come out and visit for a bit."

He watched Draco as Suziana came slithering out from under the sleeve of his robes. She worked her way up Harry's arm and across his chest to slide around his neck. She lifted her head high above Harry's shoulder to see Draco better.

Draco had looked up in surprise at the sound of Harry hissing. He'd obviously forgotten about Harry being able to speak Parseltongue. He'd seen Harry with the snake all the time, but there hadn't been even a hint of any talk between the two of them that he'd seen.

"So now that he knows about my true identity, does he meet with your approval, Suziana?"

"May I go smell him, young master?"

"Let me ask him first."

He switched back to English. "Suziana would like to smell you. Is that all right?" he asked hesitantly. He wasn't sure how Draco was taking this, and it was admittedly an odd question. Draco's eyes were looking a bit glazed, but he didn't exactly look fearful of him. Certainly not like he had back in second year when everyone had looked at him with fear in their eyes.

Draco just gave a quick, jerky nod.

Harry turned his attention back to Suziana. "He said you may, but he's looking kind of odd. I'm not sure if he's afraid of you, or if he's afraid of hearing me talk to you in your language. Just don't move too fast around him, okay?"

"I will be slow so as not to startle him, young master."

Harry and Draco both watched the silver snake slide back down Harry's chest and across the length of sofa over to Draco. She slithered across Draco's thigh and up his chest to settle across his shoulders. She flicked her forked tongue out to taste his skin and Draco shuddered at the touch.

"Suziana! You aren't supposed to scare him!"

"I don't think he is scared, young master. I smell no fear on him."

"Well then, what do you smell?"

Harry was looking between her and Draco confused now.

"Draco, are you okay?" he asked before Suziana could answer his question. "You're not scared of Suziana, are you?"

"Um, no," was all Draco managed to say.

"Oh. So does that mean that my speaking Parseltongue is bothering you? I'm used to talking to her when I'm alone or when I'm around my father sometimes. I can't talk to her around anyone else. If it bothers you, then I can just not do it when you're around." He was rambling and he knew it. He finally stopped himself and looked down at the sofa.

"Um, I don't mind," Draco got out, but his voice sounded off a bit.

Harry looked back up, bemused by this. He couldn't figure out what was going on. "Suziana, I think it's time you came back."

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