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Harry couldn't see or hear Draco, but he could feel the weight of his hand on his back. So far things had gone well today. Harry had talked to Poppy and Blaise and they had staged Draco's Quidditch accident. While most people thought Draco was in the hospital wing back at Hogwarts, in reality he was walking with Harry into the middle of a Death Eater meeting.

Poppy had looked at Harry and Draco worriedly, but hadn't commented. Blaise didn't know what they were up to, but he knew it was serious. He questioned once, but Draco's cold response told him that he wasn't going to get any answers, and he refrained from asking again. He willingly went along with the plan, allowing himself to be Polyjuiced and put into the infirmary.

He was put into a separate curtained area and Poppy made sure that most visitors weren't allowed, saying that 'Draco' needed his rest to heal properly. Only Dustin was allowed, which easily excused Harry's absence from the rest of the school. And Dustin conveniently asked that Blaise be allowed to stay, which excused his absence as well.

Harry was grateful, although a little surprised, that Dumbledore didn't come around and question him. Whatever his reasons, the old wizard was staying out of it and allowing Harry to do what he felt he needed to do.

Unfortunately, that had been the easy part of the plan. Now Harry had to be 'tested' by Voldemort and he wasn't looking forward to the evening's festivities.

As they drew near the growing crowd of Death Eaters, Harry felt Draco's hand slide up his back and squeeze his shoulder before disappearing. Harry closed his eyes briefly and gave a tiny nod to let Draco know he was okay.

While Harry knew that Draco was moving around the outside of the circle to avoid being detected, Severus and Harry moved up to the front of the crowd to stand next to Lucius. Once again Harry stood between the two men, even though Draco couldn't this time. Not that Harry wanted him to be there at all.

Harry stood tall and as proud as he could in his Death Eater robes. His hood was raised which shadowed his face, but he did not wear the mask like the others. He stood silent and still while he waited with the others for everyone to arrive. Although he was tempted, he kept his eyes trained on the hem of Voldemort's robes, showing his supposed subservience to the creature.

When Voldemort finally decided to speak and begin the meeting, Harry just wanted to sneer at him, but he managed to train his features into a cool blank mask.

It's show time.

"I see that we have all but one with us here this evening," Voldemort hissed to the crowd. "Dustin," he said imperiously, and gestured for Harry to come forward.

Harry followed the routine and stepped forward with poise in every movement and knelt before Voldemort. He kissed the hem of his robes and then leant back to rest on his heels, head bowed and hands resting loosely on his thighs.

"Pull down your hood so I can see you," Voldemort commanded.

Harry cringed inwardly, but casually reached up to lower his hood and then placed his hands calmly in his lap again. He was using every bit of his Occlumency training and every bit of the meditation he'd learned to keep himself relaxed and under control in Voldemort's presence. And it appeared to be working, considering Voldemort's next words.

Voldemort was circling Harry again. "You are quite the beautiful creature, young Dustin, and such composure in one as young as yourself. This pleases me greatly."

He stopped once he was facing Harry again. "We will see tonight how compliant you are to my will," he hissed. "But first, where is young Draco tonight? He was to attend this evening's activities with you."

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