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Harry turned his head slightly and Draco shifted so they could see Blaise and Neville sitting on a sofa across from them. Blaise and Neville's eyes were wide and glazed over, simply watching Harry and Draco.

"You two always do this in front of other people?" Neville asked, his voice coming out high-pitched in his disbelief.

"Hey, we're still fully clothed," Harry protested in amusement.

"Not because we wanted to be, though," Draco muttered.

"Well, no," Harry agreed. "We were in a bit of a hurry."

"That's one way for the leaders in our school to get everyone's attention." Harry tilted his head back at the sound of Hermione's wry tones. Hermione, Ron, Pansy and Seamus were standing there looking at Harry and Draco.

"You blokes decent?" Seamus asked cheerfully.

Harry grinned up at them. "A little sticky, but decent," he answered.

"Ewww! I didn't need to know that," Ron said with a grimace.

"You could leave then," Draco drawled.

"Oh, shush, Draco," Harry said lightly. "Have a seat, guys," he invited the others. As everyone settled themselves in, Draco found his wand and muttered a couple of charms to clean them up. Draco ended up lounging at one end of the sofa with Harry resting with his back comfortably against Draco's chest.

Pansy handed them a couple of glasses of the red punch, which they drank greedily. "I thought you might be thirsty," she said with a grin.

"Thanks," Harry said with a sigh, having guzzled the whole glass. He took Draco's empty glass and leaned over to place them on the large square coffee table in the middle of their grouping of sofas and chairs. He looked up to see Ron and Neville in a heated, although whispered, conversation. Harry suddenly understood why Ron and Hermione had come over. They were checking to make sure Neville was all right.

Glancing to the other side, Harry saw Pansy sitting happily in Seamus' lap. He quirked an eyebrow at her in question.

Pansy shrugged, grinning at Harry. "You started us dancing and, well, we've been having fun," she admitted.

"I'm glad," Harry said, with an answering smile. And he was glad. Seamus was a good enough bloke when he wasn't letting his family dictate his thoughts. Harry snorted inwardly. That sentiment could apply to Pansy and the majority of the Slytherins as well. The war influenced all of them in one way or another.

"Hey," Draco whispered, his arms tightening around Harry. "Quit thinking bad thoughts."

"I'm not," Harry protested weakly.

"Yes, you are," Draco drawled. "I can feel you trying to tense up again."

Harry smiled sheepishly, turning his head to look up at Draco. "You know me awfully damn well."

Draco kissed him lightly before responding, "Someone has to."

Harry blinked, feeling slightly thrown off, but pleased with Draco's casual response. Draco did know him well and not many people knew him at all anymore under the circumstances. Harry snuggled up against Draco, happy that Draco chose to know him so well.

Focusing on the others again, Harry looked over Ron's somewhat cross expression. "So, are you sulking because you're still not satisfied that we're not corrupting Neville, or are you sulking because you think we're stealing him away from Gryffindor?"

Ron started in surprise as Hermione giggled. "I told you Dustin was perceptive enough to figure out that you were coming over here to check on Neville," she said to Ron.

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