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Harry gazed at Lucius, eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Who knows?" he asked Lucius abruptly.

Most of the room was loud chaos as everyone talked over and around each other. They'd finally managed to get past the fact that Lucius was there, Moody had been released from the binds Harry had put on him, and now everyone was trying to sort out what they should do.

Lucius simply gazed back at him for a few moments, before he nodded in acknowledgment that Harry had figured things out. Harry closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He knew there had to be a reason why Dumbledore was bringing Lucius out now. And it wasn't simply because the Order needed to know that Lucius was on their side and not to attack him directly. That was part of it, thankfully, but he had been pretty sure that it wasn't Dumbledore's main priority.

Harry opened his eyes and turned his head to gaze at Dumbledore. Several people noticed and watched, quiet and confused, as Harry and Dumbledore seemed to hold a silent conversation. Dumbledore nodded to Harry after a minute. Harry dropped his head and began to pace, already trying to sort through plans in his mind.

"There's nothing you can do, Dustin," Severus said harshly.

Harry heard the 'you can't save everyone' that Severus wanted to add. "Like hell I can't," Harry sneered.

"The Order is already working on plans to protect the Weasleys and their home," Severus sneered, with a sweeping gesture to indicate everyone else in the room, more of whom were starting to listen in on their argument. "To protect them, the sacrifice has to be made."

"No, it doesn't," Harry retorted. "We need him and you know it."

"You know the situation and the consequences," Severus snapped.

"You're saying my father is out?" Draco asked.

"Yes," Severus stated emphatically.

"Good," Draco said, satisfied with that answer.

"Not good," Harry snapped. "We need him where he is."

"But he wouldn't be at such risk anymore," Draco snapped back.

"Lucius?" Harry asked. Technically, it was his decision.

"Do you think there is a way?" Lucius asked, eyeing Harry contemplatively.

Harry glanced at Dumbledore before facing Lucius again. "Yes," he said with conviction.

Lucius nodded in acceptance. "Then make it possible."

"It is not possible to do both," Severus said harshly, glaring at Harry.

Lucius chuckled, startling a lot of people. "If it was not possible before, then it is now," Lucius drawled. Severus turned his glare on Lucius, which simply seemed to amuse the man even more. "You have just issued your son a challenge. You should know by now that he does not face a challenge lightly."

Harry smirked in smug satisfaction as Severus' eyes widened in realization. "By all means," Severus sneered at him. "Continue."

"Dustin," Dumbledore interjected. "Did you have an enjoyable time last evening?" he asked pleasantly.

Harry looked at him blankly for a moment, just like everyone else in the room. Then he slowly grinned. "I had a wonderful time, thank you."

"What the bloody hell does last night have to do with anything?" Draco hissed.

Harry just waved him off and started pacing again, knowing that Dumbledore had set him on this track and he had his approval. As his mind whirled around all the information and possible plans, he vaguely registered that most of the room had quieted down to hear the argument between Harry, Severus, Draco and Lucius. Now they were watching Harry curiously after his odd pleasantries with Dumbledore.

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