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So, with two weeks left before school started, Harry started his crash course in the Dark Arts. It was intense, and could get pretty nasty at times, but he was learning it quickly. If it would help him against the Death Eaters, then it was worth it.

Harry knew that he'd just got very lucky in his previous encounters with Voldemort and the Death Eaters. A little bit of skill and talent, with a lot of luck, had got him this far in life.

He was beginning to feel that even if his luck ran out, he'd still have a damn good chance of succeeding and fulfilling the prophecy. He was a powerful wizard and he was finally realizing that. Severus was helping him to reach his potential. It wasn't about luck so much anymore, although Harry would still accept whatever good luck he could get, of course.

But now he had the skills to back up that luck, and he was able to win a fair amount of the duels he had with Severus. He had knowledge, strength, power, and quick reflexes that he was bringing to the duels, and he was working to perfect these skills every day.

Around the same time Harry was getting started on the Dark Arts, he was also thinking through some possible plans for the coming year. A couple of nights later, he finally brought it up with Severus.

"I've been thinking," Harry said.

Severus looked at him wryly. "Are you sure that's such a good idea?"

Harry just glared at him before going on with what he had been about to say.

"No one but you, me and Dumbledore know about my change in appearance. And Dumbledore knows that I'm your son, but he was asked to keep it quiet until we decided to let everyone know. I look completely different from when I last saw everyone, and even my voice has changed. Personally, I think my attitude has changed drastically as well. So really, I don't think anyone would even recognize me right now. Wouldn't you say that was true, Father?"

Severus nodded his head, but didn't say anything. He wasn't sure where Harry was going with this discussion.

Harry carried on speaking his thoughts out loud. "I've been hiding out here all summer and it's been effective. No one has a clue as to where I am or what I've been doing. Which is good for a lot of reasons. For example, the Weasleys have probably been safer this year because Harry Potter wasn't around at all. Because we all know that trouble is attracted to Harry Potter."

Severus snorted at that statement. Harry grinned at him before carrying on. "Yes, Harry Potter, just by being Harry Potter, tends to run into more difficulties. And those around him end up in more danger as well. Voldemort tends to go after Harry Potter on a regular basis."

He paused there and Severus finally asked him, "Where are you going with this rambling, Harry?"

"Well, what if Harry Potter went into hiding this school year, as well as this summer? Wouldn't that help protect him, along with everyone else around him? Wouldn't there be less chance of trouble from Voldemort?" He asked Severus the questions, but he didn't actually wait for any answers before he moved on to the question he really wanted to ask.

"What if Harry Potter went into hiding and Dustin Snape went to Hogwarts this year instead?"

Severus' jaw dropped and he stared at Harry.

Harry hurriedly tried to explain. "If I enrolled as your son, Dustin Snape, I really don't think anyone would recognize me as Harry Potter. If I used one of mum's charms for my scar and then got some dark contacts to make my eyes look like yours, I wouldn't look anything like I did when I left last spring. We could just tell everyone that I had lived with my mother, but she died this summer so I went to live with you. With Harry Potter out of the school, hopefully Voldemort would be less likely to target the school in any way this year. Especially with Dumbledore backing me, I think I could still follow through with all of my plans for the DA. And actually, I think as Dustin Snape, I'd have a better chance of being able to get the Slytherins involved as well, especially since I'm sure the Sorting Hat would put me in Slytherin this time. If nothing else this would hopefully buy me some time to help get the students more prepared."

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