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Harry was waiting a bit anxiously in the room behind the head table of the Great Hall. He'd decided to skip the train ride and had come directly to Hogwarts with his father instead. Now he was just waiting for the sorting ceremony. Technically, he didn't care which house he got sorted into, but he knew that there really was a lot that went into the houses of this school. It was going to take time to work through all that animosity, and he wasn't even sure it was possible.

First things first, he'd have to get introduced to the school, and he knew that he'd likely be in Slytherin. Where else would he be sorted? He didn't plan on arguing with the hat this time, and with all the duplicity he was dealing with this year, there was really nowhere else for the Sorting Hat to put him. No, his real concern was how he was going to be able to get past all the preconceived notions to be able to interact with the rest of the school. He really didn't want to be stuck with just Slytherins for company.

He'd spent a lot of time talking with his father and had been able to banish many of his own prejudiced ideas about the Slytherins. He'd like to be able to help dispel those ideas within the rest of the school as well. He knew that it may just be wishful thinking on his part that it could ever actually happen though.

He started paying attention again as he realized the growing noise from the Great Hall had died down. It was time to get things started. Dumbledore had decided to introduce and sort him first, so he knew he'd be called soon. Sure enough, his father opened the connecting door and gestured him through. Severus squeezed his shoulder briefly before heading back to his seat at the head table.

All eyes were on Harry as he walked around the table towards the stool sitting in the middle of the floor. He took the hat that Professor McGonagall handed him, sat down and placed it on his head. He ignored everyone and waited for the hat to speak to him.

"It seems you are back, Mr. Potter. Can I assume that you have had enough of Gryffindor and are ready to be placed where you were meant to be all along?"

Harry answered back in his head. "I don't have a problem with Gryffindor, but I do recognize that it's probably necessary for me to be in Slytherin now. There is a lot at stake."

"Ah, I can see that you are using every bit of cunning you possess in order to protect your friends and family. You are sure to do very well in . . . "

"Slytherin!" the hat shouted out to the entire Great Hall.

As Harry got down from the stool and set the hat down, the Slytherins all erupted into cheers. He strolled over to the table and sat down next to Draco. Aside from any personal interest he was developing, Draco was ironically still the one that he knew best in Slytherin house. Harry received many congratulations and a big grin from Draco. He was happy enough to be where he was. He looked up at the head table and gave his father a small smirk. His father smirked in return before returning to the sorting of the first years that was starting.

Harry was soon to get everyone's attention once again, however, when he decided to stir things up a bit. Previously, no house had ever clapped for any other house during the sorting. But these first years were new students to Hogwarts, not just to each house. Harry applauded each and every first year to be sorted.

At first, everyone just looked at him like he was crazy. Especially the Slytherins when Harry clapped for the first Gryffindor to be sorted. Even the teachers were looking at him askance. Slytherins did not cheer for Gryffindors, in their recollection.

In the silence that followed his clapping for the small Gryffindor, Harry stood and stated to the crowd, "These first years are new to the school. They should all be welcomed to Hogwarts." It went unstated but heard by all—no matter which house they are sorted into. After that, the entire school got into the sorting in an entirely new way. The cheering and shouts were deafening as the whole school welcomed the new students.

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