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"Angel? How is it that you can get away with things like this?" Draco asked, standing in front of the mirror, still fixing his hair. "No one else could even remotely get away with something like this party." Draco still sounded a bit incredulous, despite the fact that he knew more of the details than almost everyone else.

Harry was sprawled out on the sofa, still waiting for Draco. "I've got more connections than everyone else?" he suggested.

Draco snorted in amusement. "Yes, I'd say you have more connections. You've got Dumbledore turning a blind eye and yet, at the same time, helping you with the other professors. Anybody that would cause problems is being redirected somehow."

"Especially Filch," Harry agreed with a grimace. "I don't know what task Albus has set for him tonight, but Filch sure looked excited earlier when I saw him. All I know is that Albus assured me, in his roundabout, vague manner, that Filch wouldn't be out patrolling the corridors tonight."

"And your father is generally the only other person out patrolling the corridors at night," Draco drawled.

"I know," Harry said with a wry grin. "He doesn't really have a problem with this party, but he's insisted on confiscating the Marauder's Map from me tonight."

"You mean he's going to be watching us on the map?" Draco asked incredulously.

"Kind of," Harry admitted. "His only real rule is that everyone must stay in the Room of Requirement where the party is, all night if they really want, but that if or when they leave, they have to go straight back to the dorms." It was a rule that he could easily follow, so he didn't mind.

"So, are you ready to go now?" he asked, hoping to get Draco moving finally.

"Yes, I'm ready," Draco drawled, smirking at Harry. Harry jumped up, happy to be going. "Although, I'm kind of thinking I'd rather stay here," he said, looking Harry over again.

Draco himself was dressed like Harry often was on a day to day basis. He was wearing black leather trousers with a tight black t-shirt and black boots. It was quite the contrast to the pressed, tailored trousers and silk shirts that he generally wore. Harry, on the other hand, took his wardrobe choice a step further for the party.

Harry was wearing dark green leather trousers, the extra touch being the snake cut-outs on the sides that ran from hip to ankle, showing tantalizing bits of skin and making it very clear that he wasn't wearing anything underneath. His tight-fitting, sleeveless silver shirt shimmered slightly as he moved. With the silver snake earring dangling from his ear, and Suziana wrapped around his upper arm, he couldn't have looked much more Slytherin.

Harry gave Draco a wicked grin. "Who says we can't have our fun at the party?" he asked, looking Draco over as well. "There's no way I'm going to be able to keep my hands off you until we get back here again, but we are going, and we're going now."

"You planning on turning us into exhibitionists again?" he asked, laughing at Harry as they did finally start out.

Harry paused before actually leaving the room. "You know, this could come back and haunt me when people find out who I am," he said thoughtfully. "But I don't think I really care. I never plan on being an exhibitionist, but if it happens, it happens."

"Works for me," Draco drawled.


They stepped into the Room of Requirement and simply gazed disbelievingly around at the room. Blaise had gone all out for this party and had obviously worked with the Room of Requirement itself to help him out. Harry had to wonder how long Blaise had been practicing with the room to get it to come out like this.

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