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"Where are our sons?" Lucius asked.

Severus snorted in amusement. "Probably shagging like bunnies in their room," he said wryly.

Lucius lifted a brow in question, but was amused by Severus' choice of words. Much as Severus would be loath to admit it, he picked up on some of the boys' phrases periodically.

"They have a potions exam tomorrow, which means they are likely avoiding any studying," Severus explained.

Lucius chuckled. "Ah, this translates to mean that you know very well that they are both more than ready for the exam, so they have a bit of free time on their hands."

"And are likely using it to shag like bunnies," Severus repeated, agreeing with him.

"Are you ready for the exam tomorrow?" Lucius questioned. "Or do you still have work to do tonight?"

"I am ready," Severus stated.

"Then perhaps we could retire early this evening?" Lucius suggested.

By way of answering, Severus simply stood and made his way to the bedroom, beginning to undo the buttons on his robe as he walked. Lucius followed, quite pleased with this turn of events.

Severus stripped out of his clothes, gaze intense as he watched Lucius do the same. Robes were carefully laid over the back of a chair rather than being tossed carelessly to the floor.

Severus stepped forward into Lucius' embrace, mouths meeting in a passionate kiss. He was still amazed sometimes that this beautiful man was his now. He was vaguely aware that he was being moved backwards, and when the back of his legs hit the bed, he was pushed unceremoniously onto it.

Lucius gazed down at him, a feral grin gracing his features. Severus moved further onto the bed, smirking up at Lucius. Lucius snatched up the lube from the bedside table before joining him.

"Impatient tonight?" Severus asked.

"On your hands and knees," Lucius commanded.

Severus quirked an eyebrow, but complied immediately. Clearly Lucius was the one in charge that evening and Severus gladly gave him the control. He was wondering at the abruptness and the swiftness, but didn't question.

Severus inhaled sharply as a long finger entered him without warning, quickly joined by a second. When those fingers curled, hitting his prostate, Severus cried out, not caring anymore about whatever seemed to be driving Lucius. Just moments later, Severus was hissing at the slight burn as Lucius entered him. He was soon groaning with pleasure, Lucius thrusting into him fast and hard, hands gripping hips hard enough to leave bruises.

Severus cried out when one of Lucius' hands reached around and firmly grasped his erection, matching stroke for stroke.

"Come for me," Lucius demanded, and Severus did exactly that, coating the bed sheets with his come as Lucius came, buried deep inside him.

Afterwards, they lay side by side on the bed, breathing heavily.

"Old demons?" Severus asked quietly.

"Yes," Lucius answered simply.

Nothing more needed to be said. Severus rolled to his side, wrapping one arm around Lucius' chest, thankful they understood each other.


"Father, is there something wrong?" Harry asked Severus the next morning, having just seen Lucius leave.

Severus sighed heavily, gazing at Harry and Draco's concerned expressions. "No, there is nothing specifically wrong."

Draco cast a sharp glance at Harry, which Severus caught. "Draco, is there a reason why you should associate that comment with Harry?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

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